♥ Chapter 43 ♥

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An angry pain drummed hard against my forehead which made me wince.

'What happened?'

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Jotaro and Nori looking down at me. I blinked a couple of times and looked back up at them. "Jotaro? Nori?" My eyes widened as soon as I realized Nori was back and shot up into a sitting position. "Nori!" I cried and wrapped my arms around him. "You're actually here!"

Nori chuckled softly and wrapped his hands around my waist. "I am. Though, I wasn't expecting to have to kick your ass as soon as I came back."

"Huh?" I pulled away from him and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. His expression was serious. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"You don't remember, do you?" Jotaro shifted, so he sat next to me on the bed. "You were under DIO's mind control."

I looked over at the delinquent and blinked a couple of times as I let the news sink in. "I was?" I asked and looked between the two of them. Both teens nodded.

Before I could say anything else, Scarlet Phantom materialized next to the bed and slapped me across the face.

"Ow! What was that for?!" I yelled and held a hand up to my cheek. I looked up at the red-haired Stand to see that she also had a hand on her cheek.

"Trust me, that hurt me as much as it did you. Plus, you deserved it."


"Next time I tell you to go back to the others, you should listen to what I say!" The Stand growled.

"Okay, okay. I get it." I sighed and rubbed my cheek. I lowered my hand from my face and looked around the room. "Where's Mr. Joestar and the others?"

"Do you mean Mr. Joestar and Polnareff?" Nori said with a frown.

"What?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. My breath hitched in my throat as soon as I came to realize what he meant. Avdol and Iggy were dead. "No... No, no, no!" I cried as tears fell down my cheeks. I jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.

Jotaro, Nori and Scarlet Phantom followed me as I ran out of DIO's throne room and down the hallway to the stairs.

Tears blurred my vision as I ran down the stairs two at a time. I managed to make it down the stairs and go into a room that looked like a typhoon had hit it.

I looked around the room until my gaze landed on something lying in the corner of the room. I blinked away my tears and slowly approached the thing in the corner of the room. As I inched closer, I was able to make out the lifeless figure of Iggy. He was covered in blood and wounds.

"Iggy..." I choked and fell to my knees beside him. I slowly looked up and met Jotaro's blue gaze. "Where's Avdol?" I asked.

"He's in the next room... Well... What's left of him anyway," the delinquent grunted.

I clenched my jaw as I slowly got up to my feet and made my way over to a nearby wall. I stared blankly at the wall for a moment before I swung my fist at it. As my fist made contact with the wall, a sharp pain shot up my arm and I screamed in pain.

"Hiroko!" Nori ran over to me and pulled me into his arms as I cradled my injured hand close to my chest.

"It's all my fault... We were supposed to stay together. But I went off on my own to try and take DIO on myself," I sobbed.

"It would have happened whether you were with us or not. Jotaro, Mr. Joestar and I were separated from Avdol, Polnareff and Iggy the second we entered the mansion. Their deaths were not your fault," the redhead said in a soothing tone as he stroked my hair to try and calm me down.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now