♥ Chapter 26 ♥

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The temperature soared as time went on.

The intense heat gave me a pounding headache. I let out a groan as I massaged my temples to try and ease the pain. All the water we had evaporated, so we were struggling to stay hydrated. My mouth felt as dry as the desert beyond this cave.

Joseph grabbed his binoculars and as soon as they poked ever so slightly out of the cave, they split in half.

"Son of a bitch! Where the hell are you?! How are you watching us?! Are you invisible or something? Show yourself, you coward!" Joseph growled.

We stayed in silence a while longer until Nori suddenly erupted with laughter.

"Nori, what's wrong?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

The redhead was unable to speak as his laughter grew louder.

Joseph glanced over and raised an eyebrow at the redhead. "Hey. What are you laughing at? Snap out of it already!" The older man growled.

Jotaro started to laugh from behind me and I snapped my head round to look at him. Why the hell was Jotaro laughing? There's no way he would break into a laughing fit for no reason. It was understandable for Nori to do so. Nori is the type of guy that would think of something funny that happened in the past a start laughing about it, but Jotaro? Definitely not.

Heck, he was able to keep a straight face when he and Nori had agreed to share me back at the hotel last night. He didn't even laugh at Nori pinning me down on the bed and tickling me. So, why the hell was he laughing now?

"What the hell is so funny, Jotaro?" I growled at the delinquent.

Polnareff started laughing too and the three laughing men leaned against each other as tears built up in the corners of their eyes from laughing so hard.

"Oh my god! Have they been driven insane because of the heat?" I cried as I turned to face Joseph, half-expecting him to start laughing next. He looked at the three men, his confusion visible through his expression.

Joseph leaned over and grabbed Jotaro by his jacket. "Hey, Jotaro! Get a hold of yourself! You have to settle down! You need to listen to me, Jotaro. Sometimes things get rough, but when they do, you have to remain in control!" He growled at his grandson.

Nori placed a hand on Joseph's shoulder. The older man glanced over at the redhead with a raised brow.

"Please... Don't get the wrong idea... Hiroko and Mr. Joestar..." He spoke between laughs.

"Well, what the hell are you laughing at?" I barked at the redhead.

Nori grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face the entrance of the cave and pointed over my shoulder. "Look at that rock over there."

I squinted at the rock to try and identify what was so funny about it to make him, Jotaro and Polnareff erupt with laughter.

"I don't get it, Nori." I glanced over my shoulder at him.

"Don't you think it's large enough for someone to hide behind?" He chuckled.

"I still don't get it." I shook my head.

"Oh, you will, don't worry. Now, take a look at the opposite side," he said as he pointed to another rock that was identical to the first one he had pointed out. "Do you see it now?"

I shook my head again.

"Look again—" he pointed to the first rock "—that rock there is exactly the same as—" he pointed to the second rock "—that rock over there. Kinda like it's being reflected by something."

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now