♥ Chapter 37 ♥

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"Kom Ombo? Come on, do we really have time to lounge around in this place?" Polnareff groaned.

We had travelled down the River Nile to a town that's famous for the Temple of Kom Ombo. The docks we were standing in were bustling with merchants trying to sell their goods – some of these goods were fake.

"Would you quit complaining?" Joseph sighed.

"They've been kind enough to allow us passage on their ferry, so we must show our respect," Avdol added.

Polnareff sighed and looked away from us. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving. So, let's get something to eat."

"Wow. You never stop, do you? Here—" Joseph held up a packet of Iggy's coffee flavored gum "—this should tide you over for now."

"You know damn well that's Iggy's!" The Frenchman growled.

"Would you just take the gum already." Joseph shoved the packet of gum in Polnareff's face.

Polnareff sighed and took the packet from him.

"Hey, where can I find a bathroom?" Joseph asked as he turned to face me, Avdol and Jotaro.

"Let's go look around for one," Avdol suggested. We nodded in agreement and made our way out of the docks.

As we walked, Jotaro came to walk beside me and draped an arm over my shoulders. "How're you feeling after last night?" He asked.

I glanced up at the delinquent and smiled softly at him. "I feel a bit better now that I've talked about it with everyone else. I just hope that we're able to track down DIO without any problems."

"I think we all do. So then we can get back home and carry on with our lives."

"I didn't think you'd want to get back to your little fan club so soon." I smirked.

"Tch, hell no! I'm enjoying the peacefulness. And by peacefulness, I mean no groups of girls screaming my name and inviting themselves to walk home with me." Jotaro pulled the brim of his hat down over his eyes. "It gets so annoying, y'know?"

"Oh, I can tell. The day Nori and I met you and you fell down the stairs, those girls literally sprinted after you. I'm pretty sure I saw one of them crying over you as well." I giggled.

"Well, at least you don't have to deal with it," he grunted.

"No. That's true, but I'll probably get the whole 'Jotaro is mine' bullshit when they see me hanging around with you."

"Oh well, it's none of their damned business anyway. At least you're not annoying." Jotaro flicked his hat up slightly and gazed down at me with his ocean blue eyes.

"I could be annoying if you wanted me to," I playfully suggested.

Jotaro stopped walking and turned me to face him. "I'd like to see you try." He smirked.

"Is that a challenge, Kujo?" I smirked back.

"Maybe." The delinquent leaned down, so his mouth was next to my ear and whispered, "But I don't think you could even if you tried." His warm breath brushed against my ear and sent a shiver down my spine. Jotaro stood up straight and continued to smirk down at me.

"Challenge accepted." I turned on my heel and went to catch up with Avdol and Joseph.

"Hey, have you guys seen Polnareff?" Joseph asked as soon as I reached him.

I stopped and looked around. "No. I thought he was walking with us."

Some barking came from the distance which made us turned our heads towards the barking. Iggy was running towards us and continued to bark. As the Boston Terrier reached us, I knelt in front of him and summoned Scarlet Phantom. "What's wrong Iggy?"

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now