♥ Chapter 13 ♥

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It was the next day, and we were on the train heading to our next destination, India.

Jotaro, Kakyoin and I sat together, and Joseph, Avdol and Polnareff were sitting in the aisle across from us.

"So, we're finally heading to India..." Polnareff said, pausing for a few moments before turning to me and asking, "The man with the two right hands is called Centerfold, right?"

I nodded slowly in response. "That's right. I don't like the sound of the guy to be honest. Judging by what Jotaro and I were told, he's quite strong." I rolled my head against my headrest, looking up at the ceiling of the train cabin. "The annoying thing is that we don't know where or when he's gonna pop up. He could be anywhere for all we know."

"All we know about this guy – apart from his appearance – is that he apparently uses mirrors. I don't know how true that is though," Jotaro added.

We remained silent for a few moments before Polnareff spoke up, changing the subject. "By the way, where did Anne run off to?"

"The last I saw of her was when she was hanging around Singapore station right before our train departed, but..." Joseph trailed off.

"She vanished," Avdol finished, then added, "Remember, she came to Singapore to meet her father. I'm sure she found him."

"Yeah? Well, that story about meeting up with her dad sounded fishy to me. I bet she's a runaway. Though, I must admit; it is a little bit lonely without the little rugrat, right, Jotaro?" Polnareff glanced over at the delinquent. I also glanced up at Jotaro and saw the corner of his mouth twitch slightly – as if he only smiled for a split second.

"The Stand you two fought yesterday was pretty creepy. It freaks me out that a Stand could disguise himself as me," Nori thought out loud.

"Y'know, I've been thinking about it. He must have transformed when Hiroko and I left the hotel. If it wasn't for Hiroko's sharp eye, I think I wouldn't have realized it wasn't you until it was too late." I smiled softly at Jotaro's indirect praise towards me.

"Like I said before; I know my best friend more than anything, so I'm able to tell when someone is pretending to be him just by the way they talk."

"I tell ya, Kakyoin, you really do have a good friend in Hiroko. She's always got your back and will look out for you to the bitter end. I know I've known you both for not even a week, but I can tell from the way you both act around each other, you're as thick as thieves." Joseph smiled and winked over at me.

I looked over at Nori and saw him smiling across the table at me. Our eyes met and the feelings from last night came flooding back. I must have been looking like a lovestruck schoolgirl staring at her crush because I felt Jotaro nudge me hard in the arm to pull me out of the trance I was under from staring at the handsome redhead in front of me. I looked over at the delinquent to scold him for the slightly painful nudge he had given me to see him looking out the window – as if he didn't see me fixated on Nori. I cleared my throat slightly and rest the back of my head against the headrest, closing my eyes.

"Hey, Jotaro? Those cherries, are you gonna eat them?" I heard Nori ask. I opened one eye to see the redhead pointing at some cherries left on a plate that Jotaro had taken off his cake. "Not to be greedy, but they're my favorite. Could I have one?"

"Yeah, sure." Jotaro pushed the plate towards the cherry-loving teen who immediately swiped up a cherry from the plate and pulled the cherry off the stem with his teeth before rolling the red fruit around his tongue, just like the Stand user from yesterday did. I felt Jotaro tense up beside me and I couldn't help but giggle. My eyes met Nori's once more as he continued to swirl the cherry around his tongue. Nori winked at me, and my cheeks instantly heated up. I shrunk down into my seat, breaking eye contact with the redhead.

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