♥ Chapter 7 ♥

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Joseph successfully landed the plane 35 kilometers off the coast of Hong Kong. We had decided to head into the city and rest up there for the night before carrying on with our journey.

   Jotaro, Nori, Jotaro, Avdol and I were waiting on the roadside by some popup stalls while Joseph was across the road in a phone booth making a phone call.

   "Hey, big guy," someone called over to Jotaro. Our gazes landed on a man standing at a cooked rice stall. "You guys aren't from around here, are you? Do you want some rice porridge? You can't come to Hong Kong and not try our rice porridge. We have some hot cola too."

   "Rice porridge? Not bad," Nori thought out loud before glancing over at Jotaro. "Did you know, Jotaro. Unlike in Japan, rice porridge is a staple food in Hong Kong. To some, it's quite a delicacy," he explained to the delinquent before turning back to the stall holder. "One bowl, please. The popular way with pork and century egg if you have it."

   "Coming right up," the man chimed.

   "In that case, I'll have—"

   "Hey!" Joseph's voice interrupted Avdol from placing his order. We all looked over at the older man as he made his way over to us. "You think you guys have time to eat? We're going to my own favorite. You can stuff your faces there."

   "Hey, you dandy guy over there. I know you'd be interested in some Hong Kong hot cola." The man smiled as he held out a glass of hot cola to Joseph.

   "Hot Cola?! That's blasphemy! Everyone knows it's supposed to be cold!" Joseph exclaimed with disgust.

   "Old man, who were you just calling?" Jotaro asked in an attempt to move from the subject of hot cola.

   "Oh that. I'll explain when we get to the restaurant. We need to work out a plan that'll get us to Egypt as safely and quickly as possible. More users are bound to come after us, and that could cost lives," Joseph explained as we all started walking down the street to the restaurant.

   "I agree with you." Avdol nodded. "We can't allow any more innocent civilians to be hurt because of our failure. The quickest way would be by plane, but that's out of the question." Avdol was right. It had become completely impossible for us to fly to Egypt.

   We arrived at the restaurant and were seated at a table for six. I sat between Nori and Jotaro, and Joseph and Avdol were sitting opposite us.

   "You see, if we encounter a Stand user like the last one on a commercial flight, we'll cause a disaster. One that will harm many people, possibly killing many more. With that in mind, we'll have to get to Egypt either by land or sea," Joseph started to explain as soon as we were seated at the table and the waiter took our orders for drinks.

   "I hear you, but if we fail to find DIO in 50 days..." Avdol trailed off. We sat in silence, not needing Avdol to finish his sentence. We knew full well what the outcome would be if we failed on this journey.

   The waiter returned with our drinks and set them down on the table before handing us the menus and leaving us to our conversation once more.

   "If we would have stayed on that plane, we'd probably be in Cairo, and this would be over." Nori sighed which was followed by another round of silence.

   "I'm well aware of that. However, it's too soon to worry about it," Joseph reassured us. "100 years ago, Jules Verne wrote Around the World in 80 Days, a story about a man who traveled forty thousand kilometers in 11 weeks, using nothing but trains and steamboats. We may not have a plane, but we still have 50 days. We'll be able to travel ten thousand kilometers to Egypt. As for the route we'll take," Joseph said as he presented a map and laid it out on the table before continuing, "I say we go by sea. We'll charter a suitably sized boat, go around the Malay Peninsula and cross the Indian Ocean – A Silk Road of the sea as it were." Joseph pointed at the map and shown us the route that we will take.

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