♥ Chapter 15 ♥

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We had arrived in the city of Varanasi. On our journey to the city, Joseph ended up getting a bug bite on his forearm which had looked like it was starting to get infected, so he went to the doctor to get it checked out.

Whilst Joseph went to the doctor, Polnareff and the woman that tagged along with us went to have a look around the city. That left Jotaro, Nori and I to go and book some hotel rooms for the night.

Once we arrived at the first hotel we found, Jotaro went up to the reception desk to book some rooms whilst Nori and I waited a few feet away from the desk. It wasn't long until Jotaro returned to us with a look of disappointment.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"They've only got two rooms available. Do you want to go and look around for another hotel?" The delinquent sighed.

"We may as well book those rooms. The chances of finding another hotel with enough rooms for the five of us are pretty slim, so we may as well take what we're being offered," Nori suggested. Jotaro nodded and went back to the reception desk to book the two rooms.

"You'll be okay sharing with one of us, right?" Nori asked as he turned to face me.

"It would have happened at some point anyway, so I don't mind," I replied with a shrug as Jotaro returned with the room keys.

"We're all on the third floor, let's go," he said before turning on his heel and leading the way to the elevator. Nori and I followed the delinquent in silence the entire way to our room.

Once we arrived at our room, Jotaro unlocked the door and stepped inside. We followed him into the room and were immediately greeted to a king-sized
bed in the middle of the room. I looked around for any signs of another place to sleep, only to discover that the bed was the only option.

"Erm... This is probably going to be a silly question, but... Where are we supposed to sleep?" I glanced up at Nori and noticed that his cheeks were slightly tinted pink.

"Yare, yare... Isn't it obvious?" Jotaro grunted.

"Are you seriously saying that three high school students – two male and one female – are going to share a bed together?" I raised an eyebrow.

"If you're able to hang from the ceiling and sleep from there, then be my guest," the delinquent retorted. I let out a small huff in response and looked away.

"Very funny. Just no funny business."

"Wouldn't dream of it..." Jotaro muttered.

"Okay, I think that's enough. Let's just get cleaned up and rest," Nori intervened, trying to break the tension between us. "Hiroko, would you like to use the shower first?" He asked as he turned to face me.

"Nah." I shook my head. "You can go first. I don't mind," I added as I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Jotaro?" The redhead glanced over at the delinquent who was lighting up a cigarette.

"I'll go later," he mumbled. Nori nodded in response and flashed a brief smile at me before making his way into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Now, Jotaro and I were left alone together. Silence filled the room as he continued to smoke his cigarette.

I felt the bed move beneath me as Jotaro climbed onto the bed and lied on his back. He tipped the brim of his hat over his eyes and his cigarette hung loosely between his lips. I glanced at the delinquent, my gaze scanned across his jawline, down his neck and to his chest. I was able to make out some of the muscle on his chest through the dark-green tank that he wore under his black jacket. He really did look like your typical bad boy. The complete opposite of Nori in fact.

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