♥ Chapter 20 ♥

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We had re-joined the group and I did what Jotaro had told me to and told everyone to address me as Kazuko for the time being. Joseph, Nori and Polnareff didn't understand why but knew it was probably best not to ask and that I would explain why later.

We approached a large building and the woman said over her shoulder, "Come on, this way, Mr. Joestar. That building over there is my bed and breakfast." My eye twitched with irritation, had I not had the vision, her calling Joseph by his surname would have proven my suspicions that there was something up with this woman because no one had mentioned anyone's names.

The woman led us into in the building and spoke over her shoulder once more, "I know it doesn't look much, but this hotel has its history. About twenty years ago, one of the 007 movies was filmed here, and when John Lennon from The Beatles visited the country, he spent the entire time in our little hotel."

"Wait, seriously?" Polnareff's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets.

"No, I was just pulling your leg, young man." The woman laughed. I rolled my eyes, clearly not amused.

"What?" The Frenchman's jaw dropped in mock horror.

"Still, it is a lovely hotel. I put my heart and soul into it." She smiled as she led us inside the hotel. "We don't have any other guests at the moment, so you can pick the dinner menu. Would you prefer meat? If not, we have fresh fish availa— "

"Wait a second, grandma. Earlier, you called the old man 'Joestar,' didn't you?" Jotaro challenged with a raised eyebrow. The woman's jaw dropped in shock. "How did you know his name?" He asked sternly.

The woman's expression changed quickly and gave Jotaro one of those 'sweet old lady' smiles. "Come now, that delightful young man next to you called him Mr. Joestar earlier. I may be old, but my ears still work." She nodded towards Polnareff as she spoke.

Polnareff cocked his head to the side. "Huh? Me? I think it said it, but I'm not sure..."

I glanced up at the Frenchman, grabbed his shoulder, and brought him down to my level. "You didn't say anything that included a name," I hissed and lowered my tone, "That's why I told you to call me Kazuko." Polnareff glanced at me and gave me a brief nod as I let go of his shoulder.

"Yes, you did, sir." The woman laughed, clearly not taking notice of me giving him a warning. "When you've been working in this business for many years as I have, you really learn to memorize people's names quickly, so I'm sure of it."

I glared at the woman, slowly getting sick of her excuses. Why didn't Jotaro let me attack her when I had the chance to?

Something caught my eye and I looked down at the woman's hand which was wrapped in bandages. 'Maybe I should try and be civil with her, so I don't raise suspicion,' I thought to myself. "By the way, ma'am. I couldn't help but notice the bandages in your hand. Are you okay?" I asked as I pointed down at the woman's hands.

"Oh, this?" She looked down at her hands and back up at me. "It's just a minor burn, nothing more. I suppose it's just my old age, but I accidentally spilt boiling hot water on it."

"Old age? Don't be silly, ma'am. You hardly look a day over forty, and that's God's honest truth," Polnareff complimented her with a smile and the woman started to laugh. I rolled my eyes at them. I know we are supposed to be nice, but not that nice...

I let out a soft sigh and glanced over at Nori who was looking away from the group. Speaking of being nice, I needed to talk to him and try to make amendments with him.

We soon learned that the woman's name was Enyaba – it was nice to finally put a name to the face of the person that shot me with the arrow. Enyaba's son had recently passed away, and she described it as very sudden.

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