♥ Chapter 30 ♥

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After defeating Death 13, we were able to get a yacht sent out to us which helped us cross the Arabian Peninsula and make our way across the Red Sea.

Once across the Red Sea, Joseph started to steer the yacht in a different direction.

"Hey, old man. Something's off. We're going in the wrong direction," Jotaro pointed out as he looked at the compass which was saying we were now heading south. "If we're heading to Egypt, shouldn't we be traveling directly west?" Polnareff, Nori and I looked at the delinquent as soon as he mentioned this.

"It looks like we're heading to that island over there." The dark-haired teen pointed to an island in the distance.

The island we were heading towards was a lone isle covered with trees and cliffs. Why would we be heading somewhere so isolated instead of the direction we should be heading in?

"That's right. Nice deduction," Joseph nodded. "I've had my reason for keeping this to myself, but before we arrive in Egypt, we need to make a slight detour. Someone is waiting for us on the island."

"Why? Who would be waiting for us? Are they joining us for the rest of the journey?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I sat down on the deck.

"He's a man who's extremely important to our journey."

"But... What is that supposed to mean?" Polnareff asked with a stern look on his face.

"You'll soon find out."

After that, we spent the rest of the journey to the island in silence.

As I looked out at the ocean around us, I felt a hand rest on my knee. I glanced round to see Nori sitting next to me with a look of concern. "Something on your mind?" He asked.

I sighed and looked back out at the ocean. "Don't I always have something on my mind?"

"True. But this time, you look very distracted about something." Nori wasn't wrong. I've been distracted since Scarlet Phantom told me she shown me a sign about DIO's power in my dream the other night, and since then, I've been trying to work out exactly what it was. Especially since it had something to do with that clock on the fireplace. If we were to learn the secret behind DIO's power, we'd be at an advantage when it was time to go against him.

There was also the fact that Scarlet Phantom wasn't telling me much about herself. She recalled the time Nori, and I went to Disney World when we were kids and then dismissed that fact by saying I had told her about that vacation – which I didn't.

"To be honest, Nori—" I glanced back over at the redhead "—there's a lot going on in my head that I just can't grasp."

"Wanna talk about it?" He offered with a soft smile.

"Maybe later. It's too much to go over at the moment. Plus, I need to decide on what does and doesn't sound crazy seeing as a certain someone said that I tend to say a lot of crazy things," I said as I nodded in the direction of Jotaro and Nori's gaze shifted over to the delinquent before looking back at me and letting out a soft chuckle.

"I don't think anything you say sounds crazy."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Trust me when I say this; if I think it sounds crazy to me, it's bound to sound crazy to anyone."

We finally docked at the island and jumped off the yacht. As soon as my feet were on solid ground, I stretched my arms above my head.

"Hey, what's the big idea? Does someone actually live here? It's such a tiny little island, it's practically deserted," Polnareff observed as he came to stand beside me as he looked up and down the shore.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now