♥ Chapter 5 ♥

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“There, all done.” Jotaro’s Mother finished wrapping Nori’s head in some bandages.

   “Thank you so much for your assistance, Mrs. Kujo,” I said as I bowed my head slightly.

   “No problem, and no need for the formalities. Please call me Holly or Seiko.” Holly smiled sweetly as she started packing the first aid kit away. “I’m sorry, sweetie, I didn’t catch your name earlier.”

   “I’m Hiroko Hoshino and this is Noriaki Kakyoin.” I gestured towards the redhead.

   “Well, it’s nice to meet you Hiroko and Kakyoin.” She smiled and gave us a curt nod as she finished packing the first aid kit and looked over to Nori. “You need to rest a while. Why don’t you stay here tonight? You can stay here too, Hiroko, but you both may need to share a room as there’s only one guest room left.”

   I smiled softly and nodded. “Thank you, we really appreciate it.”

   Holly turned to face Joseph. “Papa, go get their futons ready,” she instructed him.

   Joseph looked taken aback at Holly’s request. “Why do I have to do it? I’ve never even liked the idea of sleeping on the damned floor,” he complained as he hit the palm of his hand against the floor to emphasize his point. “In fact, the futon in my room, replace it with a real bed.” Joseph crossed his arms and blew out his cheeks like a child.

   “No way. You’re in Japan now, Papa, and in Japan, we sleep on the floor.” She mimicked his actions and hit the floor with her hand before adding, “And I would prefer it if you called me Seiko here.”

   I giggled at the two of them arguing. It somewhat reminded me of how Nori and I used to be like when we were kids.

   “What?!” Joseph exclaimed.

   “The Japanese also have a word for holy. Here, the word they use is Seinaru. So, that’s why all my friends call me Seiko here.” She giggled.

   ‘Holy child, huh? It’s quite fitting for Holly’s nature. Understandable why her friends call her Seiko,’ I thought to myself.

   “What the hell is that? Holly is a beautiful name! I gave it to you myself.” Joseph frowned.

   “If you don’t refer to me as Seiko, I won’t answer.” Holly pouted, looking away from her father.

   “Holly!” Joseph argued.

   “How’s the pain, Kakyoin?” Holly turned to face Nori, completely ignoring Joseph at this point. I couldn’t help but giggle even more.

   “I’m fine, thank you.” The redhead bowed his head slightly.

   “Holly!” Joseph tried shouting his daughter again, but she still didn’t listen to him. As Joseph kept trying to get his daughter’s attention, I noticed Jotaro leave the room and decided that I should go and talk to him.

   “Hey, I’m just going out for some air, I’ll be back soon,” I said as I stood up and started to head towards the doorway.

   “Okay, Hiroko. Make yourself at home. If you want to, you can ask Jotaro to show you to your room,” Holly kindly suggested.

   “Thank you,” I paused for a moment and smirked before adding, “Thank you again for the hospitality, Seiko.” I put emphasis onto Holly’s Japanese name with the intention to tease Joseph and as if on cue, the older man growled in response. Holly knew what I was doing and laughed before focusing her attention back onto Nori.

   I left the room giggling to myself as I kept hearing Joseph call his daughter by her real name. As I stepped out of the doorway, I saw Jotaro at the end of the decking with a cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth.

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