♥ Chapter 45 ♥

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Scarlet Phantom successfully changed back into her ultimate form, and I felt as lively as ever.

We flew above Cairo on the hunt for DIO, so we could rejoin the fight. Whilst flying around, I caught a glimpse of some movement in the middle of a road. I swooped down to get a closer look and noticed that it was DIO. He looked terrified. He must have been fleeing from something, or someone. And that someone was bound to be Jotaro.

I smirked down at the fleeing vampire and landed in front of him.

DIO stopped in his tracks and looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Well, looks like someone's been having fun without me." My smirk grew bigger as I stepped forward and stood on DIO's hand. The heel of my boot dug into the vampire's fingers, and he let out a cry of pain.

"You damned bitch! You and your boyfriend are both psycho!" DIO's voice cracked.

"That's what happens when you go on a 50-day journey halfway around the world in search of a sadistic vampire who likes to send his minions after us every single day," I growled.

"Just you wait! Once I have fully regenerated, I will slaughter you!"

"Not if I slaughter you first!" I spat as I stepped off his hand. Scarlet Phantom's scythe materialized in my hand, and I pointed the blade down at DIO.

As I glared down at DIO, I heard someone call out my name. I glanced up and saw Jotaro running towards us. He looked panicked.

"Jotaro?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't let him go down that street!"

"What? Why? Is there something down there?" I asked.

"After I left you, DIO managed to escape and kill the old man using The World." The delinquent panted as soon as he stopped in front of me.

My eyes widened and Scarlet Phantom's scythe fell from my hand. As the scythe clattered to the ground, I said, "What?"

"That bastard killed the old man!"

I glared back down at DIO. The hatred I had towards him had only grown stronger. "You son of a—"

"The Worl—" I cut DIO off from summoning his Stand and stopping time by kicking him hard in the face. The force from my kick knocked the vampire back.

I quickly bent down and picked up Scarlet Phantom's scythe and ran at DIO. As I ran, I let out a blood-curdling scream and swung the scythe at him to knock him back further whilst Jotaro also ran towards him.

Star Platinum materialized and punched DIO. The punch sent him flying in the direction Jotaro told me not to let him go.

"Jotaro, you idiot! You told me not to let him go down that street, and you just punched him in that direction!" I scolded the delinquent.

Jotaro froze as soon as he realized the direction he had punched DIO in. "Shit!"

I whipped round and flapped my wings to fly after DIO. I flew close to the ground at full speed to try and catch up with him. As I got closer, I could just see the vampire kneeling in a cloud of dust.

"I've got you now, DIO!" I growled.

The dust around DIO settled to reveal the vampire. He was completely healed! DIO's arm was stretched out to the side, and I followed it down to see his fingers dug deep into the neck of Joseph. I ground to a halt and stared on with wide eyes, unable to believe what I was witnessing in that moment. He was sucking Joseph's blood!

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now