♥ Chapter 36 ♥

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I opened my eyes and found myself standing on top of a building.

It was night, and everything was quiet. I looked around, and my eyes landed on the familiar figure of Scarlet Phantom standing on the other side of the building.

"Scar?" I called out her name as I slowly approached her.

The red-haired Stand turned to face me. "I was wandering how long it would take for you to get here," she said as she held a hand out to me. "Come. There's something that I need to show you."

I looked down at her hand and back up at her fiery red gaze as I took her hand. Scarlet Phantom led me to the edge of the building we were on top of. "Can you see anything out of the ordinary, Hiroko?" She asked as she released my hand.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked.

Scarlet Phantom came to stand behind me and pointed at a clock tower in front of us. "What about that clock over there?"

I squinted at the clock for a while before I looked back at her. "I don't get it."

"Well, you've been looking at the clock for a while," she said as she folded her arms over her chest. "It's too late now but keep an eye on it. It will happen again. I'm certain of it."

"What will happen again?" I asked but the only response she gave me was turning my head back round to face the clock and tilted it down slightly.

My breath hitched in my throat as soon as I saw Nori standing on top of a small roof. Movement caught the corner of my eye, and I turned my head slightly to the right and saw DIO standing on a roof opposite Nori.

I whipped my head back round to Nori and screamed, "Nori! Get out of there!"

"He can't hear you, Hiroko," Scarlet Phantom whispered in my ear. "This is a dream. One that will come true if we don't stop DIO."

Tears filled my eyes upon hearing her words. "Please... Please don't tell me Nori will die..." I chocked.

"We will all die at the hands of this man if we don't stop him. This is thankfully a fate that can be altered. Now quit your jabbering and pay close attention. What you're about to learn is important."

I continued to watch Nori and DIO. From what I could see, Nori had used Hierophant Green to create a trap for DIO.

Suddenly, Nori yelled out his signature move, and loads of emeralds were fired and hurtled towards DIO.

"Behold! The World!" DIO yelled, and everything around us came to a halt.

I blinked at what I was witnessing and glanced up at the clock. It wasn't moving – just like the clock on the fireplace from my other dream.

My gaze moved back to DIO as he stepped forward and tore through Hierophant's green web to get to Nori.

Nori didn't move; his gaze was locked on DIO.

"Scar... Nori's not moving..." I clenched my fists at my sides.

"What you're witnessing right now is DIO's power. The power of the World," she said.

"How can we beat this? It's like he's stopped time!"

"That's because he has stopped time, and we are the only ones that are not affected by his power. This is why DIO wants us out the way first," she started to explain as she stood by my side and looked down at DIO as he continued to make his way towards Nori. The red-haired Stand wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. "For we are the only ones that can walk through DIO's World," she whispered in my ear just a DIO's Stand raised its fist and thrust it through Nori's stomach.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now