♥ Chapter 6 ♥

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Finally, we were on our way to Egypt.

   It was currently night-time, and we were on the plane heading to Egypt. Avdol, Nori and I were sat together on a row, and Jotaro and Joseph were sat directly behind us.

   I was sat beside Nori with my head resting on his shoulder, slowly falling asleep. I suddenly felt him shift slightly which caused me to look up at him. "You okay, Nori?" I asked drowsily. Before Nori could answer me, I heard the faint sound of buzzing in the cabin we were in. I sat up and looked around for the source of the buzzing. Avdol and Nori were also looking around the cabin to find out where the buzzing sound was coming from. Over the buzzing, I heard Jotaro shift in his seat before speaking up.

   "Huh? A Rhino Beetle?" He asked aloud. I glanced back at the delinquent and saw him looking up. Following his gaze, I saw what he was looking at. He was right about it being a beetle, however, it wasn't a Rhino Beetle like he thought.

   "No. It's a Stag Beetle," I corrected.

   "Hey, Avdol? Is that a Stand? Are we already facing another Stand user?" Joseph asked as he stood up and leaned over the top of the seats to speak to his friend.

   "It's possible. This could be a Stand that takes the shape of an insect."

   Suddenly, the Stag Beetle disappeared in the shadows of the seats in the next aisle of the cabin. "What the? It just hid in the shadows of the seats," Joseph hissed.

   "Damn. It could be anywhere," Avdol muttered as Jotaro stepped out into the aisle to take a closer look. Nori suddenly snapped his head round to face Jotaro.

   "Jotaro! It's next to your head. Look to your right," he warned the delinquent. Jotaro turned to look at the beetle as Nori slowly stood up from his seat.

   I peered around Nori's slim body to see the Stag Beetle buzzing next to Jotaro. "That thing is huge!" I gasped with wide eyes.

   "It has to be a Stand," Nori concluded with wide eyes. The beetle was looking at Jotaro and I swear I saw it foaming at the mouth like a stray dog with rabies. I flinched away as soon as I saw something slither out of its mouth.

   "That's disgusting," Jotaro grunted, his tone full of disgust. "Just sit tight, I'll take care of it."

   "Be extremely careful," Avdol warned. "I've heard that there is a user of an insect Stand that likes to rip out the tongues of his victims before they die." Hearing Avdol say this made me slap my hands over my mouth and look at him with wide eyes.

   Without a moment's hesitation, Jotaro called out his Stand's name and attacked the beetle, unfortunately missing it.

   "It dodged you! I-I can't believe it! It's faster than Star Platinum! A Stand that has speed and precision to grab a flying bullet!" Avdol exclaimed.

   "Then there's no doubt about it. That bug can only be a Stand," Nori concluded. His lavender eyes scanned the cabin in a desperate attempt to locate the newly discovered Stand. "Where is he? Where is he hiding?" He asked aloud before letting out a low growl. "Where's the one controlling it? We need to find him!"

   I slowly lowered my hands from my mouth and looked around. After a few moments, my gaze landed on the Stand flying above the other passengers. "Look out! It's going to attack!" I warned Jotaro as I pointed up at the beetle. As soon as I shouted my warning to the delinquent, the insect thrust its tongue towards him. Star Platinum quickly jumped in front of Jotaro and blocked the attack with his hand, shouting as the tongue made contact.

   "No! Dammit!" Jotaro growled as the Stag Beetle withdrew its tongue and quickly thrusting it out again, this time aiming for Star Platinum's mouth.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now