♥ Chapter 17 ♥

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"I mean, come on! I'm a girl. Soon, I'll be doing girl things like wearing a bra and doing my nails to get the attention of boys. I'd look pathetic wandering around at that age. This is the only chance I have to be free and see the world!" Anne complained.

Jotaro let out a frustrated sigh from behind me. It had been almost an hour since we picked up Anne from the side of the road, and all she has done since then was talk about why she was traveling.

"Do you think I look pathetic, Anne?" I asked as I glanced over at her.

"No, I think you're really pretty, Hiroko. Why'd you ask that?" Anne raised an eyebrow.

"I've just made my point. You have your whole life ahead of you to travel, even if you're wearing a bra and have your nails done. Take a look at me; I'm 17 years old – going onto 18 very soon. I wear bras and used to do girly things before going on this journey, but that doesn't make me look or act pathetic. I'm still me, and you'll be the exact same when you reach my age," I explained. "But right now, this isn't the best time for you to be traveling with us. It's far too dangerous. If something to happen to you whilst traveling with us, we wouldn't be able to forgive ourselves," I added as I placed a hand on her shoulder. Anne let out a sigh of defeat and slumped back into her seat with a pout.

A car horn from behind us caused all of us – apart from Polnareff – to look through the back window.

"Hey, it's that car we passed earlier. Looks like he's in a hurry," Jotaro pointed out.

"Let him past, okay, Polnareff?" Joseph instructed the Frenchman.

"Yeah." Polnareff nodded as he reeled his window down and signaled for the car to overtake. The sports car sped up and passed us with ease. Once in front of us, it started to slow down.

Jotaro squeezed my hip, causing me to let out a small squeak. I turned to face him with a frown. "What was that for?" I hissed.

"Does something seem odd to you about that car?" He whispered.

I glanced out the windscreen at the car in front. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the car – at least from what I could see. I turned back to face Jotaro and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't see anything odd about it. Why?"

"What about Scarlet Phantom? Can she sense anything?"

I let out a soft sigh. "Anything out of the ordinary, Scar?" I asked the Stand.

"I can sense something. It's feels like the same thing I sensed with the freighter, but the energy radiating from it is weaker," Scarlet Phantom explained through my mind.

"She can sense something. It's similar to the freighter we encountered at the start of our journey, however the energy it's giving off is weaker," I repeated to Jotaro. The delinquent grunted and scowled at the car.

"What the hell?!" Polnareff growled as we started to slow down even more. Dust from the car in front wafted through the windows, making us cough again. The Frenchman quickly closed the window to stop more dust from getting inside. "What's he trying to do? I've let you past, so hurry up already!" He started
swerving the car from side to side in an attempt to overtake the car. The sports car moved into the middle of the road, not allowing any room for us to pass.

"He's probably angry about your maneuver from earlier, and these are the consequences," Nori muttered.

Jotaro leaned forward so his chin almost rested on top of my shoulder, his grip on me tightened slightly to make sure I didn't fall off his lap as he moved forward. "So, did you get a look at the driver's face?" He asked Polnareff.

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