♥ Chapter 8 ♥

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"The Speedwagon Foundation chartered a boat for us yesterday. With any luck, it's reached the harbor ahead of us," Joseph said as we entered the harbor. It was the day after mine and Avdol's fight with Polnareff.

   After removing Polnareff's Flesh Bud, we let him recover on his own in the Tiger Balm Gardens and set off to search for a hotel to stay in for the night. The days turn of events had tired me out, and all I wanted to do was curl up in my hotel bed and the sleep the effects of the fight off.

   Before I was able to even consider sleep though, Nori wanted to clean the wounds on my face to stop them from getting infected. After he had cleaned my wounds for me, he left me in my hotel room, so I could take off my uniform and clean it in the bathroom sink of my hotel room. With my uniform washed and hanging up to dry, I slithered into my bed and fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

We looked around the harbor for any sign of the boat that the Speedwagon Foundation had chartered for us. As I looked around, my eyes landed on a certain face I thought I would never see again. Jean-Pierre Polnareff.

   I glowered at the white-haired man as he stepped in front of us and Scarlet Phantom materialized beside me, ready to fight if she had too.

   "We meet again. So, what's on your mind, Polnareff?" Avdol spat maliciously. It was clear he hadn't forgotten about the events of yesterday by the way he spoke to the man.

   "I never thanked you properly for freeing me from DIO's mind control," Polnareff responded in a cool tone.

   "Young Jotaro is the one you should be thanking here." Avdol glanced over his shoulder at Jotaro as he spoke.

   "I don't need your thanks..." The delinquent grunted as he pulled the brim of his hat down to cover his eyes.

   "It appears your fine manners were wasted on the likes of us," I spat, folding my arms over my chest. Scarlet Phantom mimicked my movement as if she were my shadow.

   Polnareff looked slightly hurt and I looked away from him with a huff. "I also wanted to apologize for my behavior towards you, Mademoiselle. It is extremely unlike me to treat a lady like yourself with such disrespect."

   "The damage has already been done. Like I said, your manners were wasted on the likes of us," I grunted, matching the same tone Jotaro had spoken.

   "As you wish. I've no desire to come off as heavy-handed, but I'm not quite finished here..." Polnareff trailed off as he took a step closer to us. My gaze snapped back at him as I heard him approach and Scarlet Phantom stepped in front of me as a warning for the white-haired man to back off. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to look over my shoulder. My gaze met Jotaro's ocean blue eyes and I felt my stomach do a somersault.

   His jaw clenched, only making his jawline look sharper. His skin looked so soft, giving me the temptation to rest a hand on his cheek and brush my thumb against it, but I resisted the urge.

   Being closer up to the delinquent, I couldn't help but realize that he was quite handsome. Gorgeous even.

   I was pulled from my trance as I heard Polnareff start to talk, making me pull my gaze away from Jotaro to look back at Polnareff.

   "Monsieur Joestar. I hope you'll indulge my asking of a very bizarre question."

   "Bizarre question you say?" Joseph asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.

   "I noticed at the restaurant yesterday that you didn't take off your gloves. Tell me. Your left hand wouldn't happen to be a right hand under that glove, would it?" He pointed at Joseph's left hand, causing the old man to be a little more confused. The confusion Joseph was showing spread to me as I was left wondering why he would ask such a question.

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