♥ Chapter 27 ♥

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The next day we continued the rest of our journey across the desert and made it to the village of Yarpline by nightfall.

We were so exhausted from the trek across the desert that we ended up retiring for the night just after dinner.

I was enjoying a peaceful sleep until I was awoken to the sound of Nori screaming in the other room the next morning. I shot up in bed and frantically looked around my room.

"Nori?" I called out.

Nori's screams continued to echo through the hall, and I jumped out of bed as fast as I possibly could and left my hotel room.

I ran across the hall and noticed the door to Nori's room was slightly open. Without thinking about what could be on the other side of the door that was causing Nori's screams, I barged into the redhead's room.

As I barged through the door, I saw Polnareff standing at the side of Nori's bed.

"Polnareff? What are you doing? This isn't the time to be pulling pranks," I scolded the Frenchman as I placed my hands on my hips.

"I didn't do anything, Hiroko. I was just about to knock on your door to wake you up and then I heard Kakyoin screaming," Polnareff explained.

I sighed and glanced down at Nori who was shivering and dripping with sweat. "Are you okay, Nori? Do you need me to get you anything?"

Nori shook his head. "No, it's okay. It was just a nightmare, that's all."

Polnareff walked over to the window and opened the curtains to let some light into the room whilst I perched myself on the end of Nori's bed.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I tilted my head slightly to try and look at his eyes from under the thick strand of hair hanging in front of his face.

"That's the thing... I can't remember what happened. All I can recall is having a nightmare and that it was truly horrifying." The redhead let out a soft sigh and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Wish we could talk more about it, but we've gotta get a move on," Polnareff said as he turned back to face us.

I nodded in response. "I'm just going to go get ready real quick. I'll meet you guys at the front of the hotel, okay?"

Polnareff and Nori nodded in response as I jumped up from the edge of Nori's bed and made my way back to my room to get ready for the day ahead.

"Jotaro and Mr. Joestar have already headed to the plane, so we'll meet them there," Polnareff explained as we started to walk away from the hotel entrance.

A young boy across the street let out an agonizing cry that caught my attention. "This can't be happening! My poor dog!" He cried.

I jogged over to the boy and bent down to his eye level. The boy continued to sob which pulled at my heart strings.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I asked him softly as I rubbed his back to try and calm him down.

"My dog is dead!" The boy cried out as he pointed over to something covered by the shadows of a building.

I stood up straight and squinted to where the boy had pointed. There was a little brown dog lying on the floor. Dead.

"Oh my God!" I gasped and turned the boy away from the sight and hugged him.

"Who would do such a thing?!" He wailed.

"I don't know." I sighed and glanced over at Nori who wore a look of horror on his face as he looked at the dog. I looked back down at the boy and stuck a hand into the pocket of my leather jacket and pulled out some coins. "Hey—" I kneeled down as the boy sobbed into the sleeve of his shirt "—I know this isn't much, but here. It's the least I can do." I took the boy's hand and placed the coins into his palm.

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