♥ Chapter 21 ♥

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The next morning, I woke up to the feeling of the rise and fall of a chest beneath me. I slowly opened my eyes and glanced up to see Nori lying beneath me, fast asleep with his arms around my waist. After telling Nori about the vision I had about Enyaba, the redhead had pulled me into his arms as he laid down onto the couch and brought me on top of him. We had spent the rest of the night cuddling and talking about everything that had gone on, and before we knew it, we had fallen asleep on the couch together.

I smiled softly at the sight of the sleeping redhead and raised a hand up to the long strand of red hair hanging at the side of his face and twirled it between my fingers.

Nori's eyes slowly opened, and he looked down at me. "Morning," he said with a sleepy smile before letting out a yawn as he stretched his arms over his head. "Sleep well?"

I hummed in agreement and slowly sat up. "I did, thanks. Did you?"

"Even though I fell asleep on the couch, it was the best I've slept in a long time."

As Nori sat up, a knock came at the door followed by Joseph's voice. "Kakyoin? Have you seen Hiroko anywhere? Jotaro and Polnareff have run into a bit of trouble downstairs, and I can't find Hiroko." Nori and I looked at each other.

"Shit, I forgot that we didn't tell anyone that you would be in here with me last night," the redhead hissed.

"Well, it was late into the night when we came back up here, so everyone would have been asleep by then," I replied with a shrug.

"Boy, we will not be living this down..." He sighed as he stood up and made his way to the door. Nori opened the door to reveal Joseph standing in the doorway with a worried look on his face. "It's fine, Mr. Joestar. Hiroko stayed in here with me last night as she didn't feel safe, especially with that old hag around. She came round here in the middle of the night and asked if she could stay with me," he lied.

"Oh, so you two made up after all? I was starting to worry that you two had fallen out for good," Joseph said.

"It was just a little disagreement, that's all." Nori shrugged as he stepped aside to let the older man enter the room.

"Good morning, Mr. Joestar." I smiled up at him.

"Good morning, Hiroko." He nodded towards me in greeting.

I stood up from the couch and walked towards him. "So, what's going on with Jotaro and Polnareff? You said they had run into some trouble."

"Ah, yes. They're currently dealing with Enyaba. She tried to attack Polnareff early hours this morning. It turns out she's working for DIO," he explained.

"I could easily have told you that," I said as I folded my arms over my chest, then added, "Scarlet Phantom, Nori and I had a feeling we had seen her before, and it was later confirmed that we did through a vision Scarlet Phantom had shown me. Enyaba was the one that shot me with the arrow."

"What? Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Joseph exclaimed.

"I didn't have the chance to. I had to keep a low profile to ensure I didn't cause a scene."

"So that explains the fake name," the old man hummed in thought. "Anyway, we've captured Enyaba and Jotaro and Polnareff are waiting for us in the lobby."

Nori and I nodded and the three of us made our way down to the lobby.

"What do you mean by 'what have I been licking?' I don't see why that matters." Polnareff coughed, a look of disgust on his face. He continued to cough and uttered, "The toilet," between coughs.

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