♥ Chapter 47 ♥

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After getting rid of DIO's body forever, we all went to the airport where we would have to say our final goodbyes to Polnareff, Avdol and Iggy. Polnareff was going back home to France, and Avdol and Iggy were going to stay in Cairo whilst Joseph, Jotaro, Nori and I returned home to Japan.

"So, this is where we part ways," Polnareff announced with a sigh.

"I'm gonna miss you, Pol." I softly smiled up at the Frenchman.

Polnareff looked down at me and said, "Actually, Hiroko. There's something that I wished to discuss with you before I go." He looked up at the others and added, "Alone."

I glanced up at the rest of the group who looked at me with confused looks. "It's okay, I won't be long. I'll make sure he brings me back over once he's said everything he needs to say," I reassured them. The four men nodded and stepped away from us. Once they were out of earshot, I looked back up at Polnareff and asked, "So, what's up?"

"What do you intend to do when you go home?" He asked instantly.

"Well... I guess I would be graduating from high school with Jotaro and Nori, but I haven't thought about anything further than that yet."

"That's reasonable." Polnareff shrugged. "Though I do have a suggestion – well, more like an offer. Whether you choose to go for it or not is entirely your choice."

"Right?" I raised an eyebrow.

"When you've graduated from high school, would you like to travel with me and research more about this Stand Arrow you were shot with?"

I blinked at Polnareff's offer. "What? Since when did you become interested about the Stand Arrow?" I asked.

"I've been thinking about it for a little while. After you said you would have manifested your Stand even without the power of the arrow, I wanted to learn more about the Stand Arrow and its power. So, what do you say?"

He wanted me to travel with him in search of answers about the arrow? Why would he need me to travel with him? Was it because I was a victim of the arrow's power? As tempting as learning more about the thing that made Scarlet Phantom as strong as she is, there was still something that I had to consider.

"I... I honestly don't know what to say..." I trailed off and glanced over at Jotaro and Nori who were in the midst of a conversation with each other. I sighed softly and looked back at Polnareff. "What about Jotaro and Nori? I can't leave them behind."

"I'm sure they'll be going to college after graduating. Unless you were thinking about going to college with them?"

"Like I said, I haven't thought about what I'm going to do after graduation. I don't want to say yes, and I also don't want to say no. So, could we just put the offer on hold until I've made my decision?"

Polnareff stayed silent for a moment before he opened his bag and rummaged through it. He pulled out a notepad and pen and started to scribble something down on one of the pages. He tore the page out and handed it to me. "Here's my address. Feel free to send me a letter anytime if you want to know more or just to keep me posted," he said as I took the piece of paper from him. I held a hand out for the notepad and pen and he handed it to me. I wrote down mine and Nori's address and handed the notepad and pen back to him.

"This is mine and Nori's address, so same goes for you. If you ever want to send me a letter, feel free to do so."

The Frenchman's expression softened as he took the notepad and pen from me. "Thank you. I'll be sure to stay in touch. You're a good friend, Hiroko. You're almost like a sister to me."

I smiled up at him and held out my good arm. "Come here, you goof ball." I giggled.

Polnareff chuckled softly and carefully wrapped his arms around me. "Make sure they look after you," he whispered in my ear.

I smiled more when I realized that he was talking about Jotaro and Nori. "Don't worry, I'm sure they will."

Polnareff pulled away from the hug and ruffled my hair. "Let's get you back over to them," he said as he stepped around my wheelchair and took the brakes off once he was standing behind me.

When Polnareff wheeled me back over to the others, Jotaro and Nori looked over in our direction. Both teens smiled down at me when Polnareff brought me to a stop and re-applied the brakes.

"Everything okay?" Jotaro asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Pol just wanted to have a way to stay in touch with us, so I gave him mine and Nori's address, so he can send us a letter whenever he wants," I explained and added, "We've got his address too." I held up the piece of paper with Polnareff's address.

Nori took the piece of paper and looked at it. "Fair enough then. We'll be sure to write to you when we get home," he said as he handed the piece of paper back to me and I placed it in my jacket pocket.

A voice over the intercom announced that all passengers departing for France were to board the plane and my face fell at the announcement.

"Well, this is me." Polnareff sighed.

I looked up at the Frenchman and said, "You take care."

Polnareff smiled softly and gave me one last hug before he went to give the others a hug.

"It's been fun while it's lasted. I hope we'll be able to see each other again." Polnareff took a step back and looked at all of us. We all nodded in agreement as Polnareff spun on his heel and walked into the crowd.

Once he was gone, we looked over at Iggy and Avdol.

"You sure you don't want to come back with us, Avdol?" Joseph asked.

Avdol shook his head. "I've got a business that I need to run, so will have to decline your offer. But thank you, Mr. Joestar." Avdol looked down at me and said with a bow, "And make sure you look after yourself, Miss. Hiroko. I hope one day we'll meet again."

Iggy struggled out of the fortune-teller's arms to get to me. Avdol placed the little dog down on my lap and I stroked his head.

"Thank you, Avdol. I hope so too," I said with a smile and looked down at Iggy. "You take care of yourself too, Iggy."

"Back at ya," Iggy barked and gave me a gentle lick on the cheek.

Nori came to stand behind me as Avdol took Iggy off my lap. "It's time we boarded our flight. They've just announced it on the intercom," the redhead said.

Avdol nodded and bowed his head as we said our final goodbyes and boarded the plane.

I looked out of the window, and watched Egypt get smaller as the plane went higher into the sky and above the clouds.

I felt like a part of me had been taken after we parted ways with Avdol, Polnareff and Iggy. I was thankful for the time we got to spend together, and I hoped we would all reunite soon.

I dug into my jacket pocket and pulled out the piece of paper with Polnareff's address on and stared at it.

Maybe researching the origins of the Stand Arrow wouldn't be so bad after all. But maybe that will be something to think about for another day. Right now, I needed to focus on graduating from high school, and then I can decide on what to do after that.

Nori placed a hand on my knee which made me look up at him.

"You okay?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine," I said as I pocketed the piece of paper once more.

Even though this journey was over, a new one had begun with me, Jotaro and Nori.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now