♥ Chapter 44 ♥

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As soon as Avdol was brought up to speed with everything, we left the mansion to hunt down DIO.

Night had fallen over Cairo, and the streets were silent. The full moon hung high in the sky and glowed down on the streets of Cairo.

We all gathered on a rooftop not too far from the mansion and ducked into the shadows to come up with a plan.

"Right. So, we've all agreed that we stick together, or at least within close proximity of each other, that way Hiroko and Scarlet Phantom are able to jump in when DIO uses his Stand's ability," Joseph summarized.

"If you don't mind, Mr. Joestar. There's something I would like to add to this plan," I spoke up.

Everyone shifted their gazes over to me and Joseph nodded. "Go on, Hiroko."

"There's a chance that DIO will be heading back to the mansion to see if I was able to finish you guys off, which means he will come by this way to get to the mansion. So, I was thinking..." I trailed off and the five men and Iggy leaned in closer. I chewed the inside of my cheek and looked at each of them in turn before I continued to speak. "Do you guys remember that dream I had when I learned about DIO's Stand ability?" I asked. Everyone apart from Nori nodded. "Well, that dream was a fate that was meant to happen, correct?"

"What dream?" Nori asked with a raised eyebrow and added, "All Jotaro told me was that you found out what DIO's Stand ability was and how it doesn't affect you."

I glared over at Jotaro. 'He could have at least told him the whole story...'

"I thought it would be better if you explained everything," the delinquent muttered and pulled the brim of his hat over his eyes.

"Jeez... Thanks, Jotaro." I rolled my eyes and looked back at Nori. "I'll give you the short version. I dreamt of this moment. You were on that tower over there," I pointed over to a tower that was poking out over the top of some building just a few blocks away, "DIO stopped time and punched you in the gut. When he resumed time, he kicked you into the water tower that is behind where you were standing," I moved my finger over to the water tower that was a few meters away from the tower I was first pointing at. "And you died right there. Whilst all that was happening, I was able to move freely."

Nori blinked a couple of times at the water tower and shifted his gaze back over to me. "I die?"

"In that vision you did. However, now that I'm aware I can travel through DIO's World, I won't let you die. But... I need you to go on that tower and relive that vision until the very last second," I explained.

"So... You're basically turning your boyfriend into live bait, right?" Nori raised an eyebrow and folded his arms over his chest.

"Now that you mention it... Yeah." I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. "But you don't need to worry. When DIO stops time, I'll be right there to shove him out the way and save you," I said reassuringly.

"But DIO knows that his ability doesn't affect you, so I doubt he'll chance it if he knows you're around," Joseph pointed out.

"And that moves onto the next part of my plan. If DIO mentions anything about me, I need you guys to say that I'm dead. I don't care how you do it, just make sure you say I'm dead. I'll be hiding nearby, and I will make my move when the time is right, got it?" I looked around at the five of them and waited for an answer.

After a few moments of silence, they said in unison, "Got it."

I turned to look at Nori once more. "Hey, Nori? Do you remember when you trapped Tower of Gray with Hierophant's tendrils?"

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