♥ Chapter 25 ♥

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"Say magnifique! This country's amazing!" Polnareff looked out the car window in awe. "Are you guys seeing what I am here? It's like every house is a crazy mansion or something!"

We had just left a car dealership with a fancy car, though we couldn't understand why we were taking such a nice car all the way into the desert. However, Joseph said we'll see soon enough.

I was sat in the back of the car in between Jotaro and Nori and stared ahead. I wasn't looking at anything in particular, I was just staring into space as I thought about the dream I had last night.

After waking up from the shock of my dream last night, I told Jotaro and Nori what happened in my dream, and it was Jotaro who told me to speak to Joseph about it to see what he thinks about that dream and if it was somehow related to going against DIO.

I wasn't worried about the dreams relation to fighting DIO. I was more concerned about what DIO had said to me. The end is near for me. Did that mean I was going to die soon? Would I die losing a fight against an enemy Stand user, or would DIO be the one to send me six feet under?

I felt a hand on my knee which pulled me away from my thoughts. I looked up to see Nori looking down at me with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay, Hiroko?" He asked.

I nodded slowly and tried to give the redhead a reassuring smile. Nori frowned slightly.

"Are you still thinking about that dream?"

I let out a sigh as I slumped into my seat. "I haven't stopped thinking about it. I'm trying to understand what it means."

Joseph glanced over his shoulder upon hearing our conversation. "What's the matter, Hiroko?"

"Hiroko had a dream about DIO last night," Nori responded on my behalf.

Polnareff suddenly slammed his foot onto the brakes and turned in his seat to face me. "You had a dream about DIO?!" He exclaimed.

"Polnareff, you idiot! You could have caused an accident!" Joseph scolded the Frenchman. "Go and park in that lay-by over there, so we can talk without the worry of being crashed into," he instructed as he pointed to a lay-by sheltered by some trees further down the road.

Polnareff nodded and started the car up again before driving to where Joseph had told him to park the car.

Once we were in the lay-by, Joseph and Polnareff turned in their seats to face me. "So, what was this dream about?" Polnareff asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

I started to explain the dream I had about being in a dark room with a clock on top of a fireplace that wasn't ticking and how DIO appeared. While I continued to explain the dream in as much detail as possible, all four men sat in silence.

"Wait, so let me get this straight; DIO knows what your Stand's abilities are and it made it out that your Stand is the strongest one going and wanted you to join him?" Polnareff recited everything I had just said.

I nodded slowly. "What I don't understand though is when he looked at that clock that wasn't working when he said it. It was like he was saying that the clock was in some relation to Scarlet Phantom's ability."

"I thought your Stand was only able to sense out enemies, use telepathy, predict scenarios, fly, and use a scythe?" Jotaro asked.

"So did I, but that wasn't the only weird thing that happened in the dream—" I paused, and all four men leaned in closer, "—when DIO left, the clock started to work. It was as if time had stopped while he was there and resumed when he left."

The car was filled with silence before Polnareff spoke up once more. "Does that mean your Stand has the power to manipulate time when you feel like you're in danger?"

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