♥ Chapter 22 ♥

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We walked down the streets until we reached a drainage ditch with a bridge further down the path.

"A drainage ditch, huh? I'd try to jump it, but if I trip and twist my ankle, it would be real bad for old man Joestar. And walking all the way to that bridge would be such a pain," Dan thought out loud and he held me even closer to him, the scent of his cologne smelt cheap and disgusting. It was the type of cologne that would burn your nostrils and make you sneeze. "I have an idea. Jotaro, lie down across this ditch and make yourself into a bridge. I'll walk on you to get across," he ordered as Jotaro looked at him in disgust. "What now? You don't wanna be my bridge of something? Surely you wouldn't want dear Hiroko here to be a bridge instead, do you?" He smirked.

"Shut up," Jotaro grunted.

"I said, make yourself into a bridge, you good-for-nothing arrogant prick!" Dan growled as he kicked a metal post beside us hard. I winced at the thought of Joseph crying out in pain because of that. "Aww, don't look so upset, sweetheart," Dan cooed as he stroked my hair and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. I flinched away from him and scowled up at him. Once this bastard has been dealt with, I'm going to need to bathe for a hundred years. He really knows how to gross a girl out. Jotaro grunted as he spread himself across the ditch. "Good, come now, my dear." Dan stepped onto Jotaro's back, and I pulled away.

"I'm not walking on him. I'll cross the bridge over there," I said as I nodded my head towards the bridge further down the path.

"Just do it before I make you do something even worse than this," Dan ordered with a growl.
Part of me wanted to stand up against this bastard, but I was scared about what he could end up doing to Jotaro and I or the amount of pain he could inflict on himself and cause Joseph greater pain.

I let out a sigh of defeat and muttered down to the delinquent, "I'm sorry, Jotaro." As Dan jumped off Jotaro, he made sure to land right on his fingers. Jotaro remained still and only let out a slight grunt. I quickly scurried off Jotaro's back and immediately fell to the floor to help him up.

"Leave him. He can get up himself," Dan ordered me. I stared down at the delinquent, wanting to disobey Dan's orders and help Jotaro.

"Hiroko, listen to him. At least for now. We'll kick his ass as soon as it's safe to do so, I promise," Jotaro said softly as he slowly pushed himself to the other side of the drainage ditch. I clenched my jaw and got up to my feet and returned to Dan's side.

"Good girl," Dan praised as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him, this time my chest against his. "My, my, you really are one sexy kitten, aren't you?" He smirked as I felt his hands slowly slither down my back and rest on my ass. I clenched my jaw, resisting the urge to punch him. I felt Jotaro's glare on us – mainly at Dan – and I knew he would do anything he could to make sure I wasn't harmed in any way.

"You do realize that she's not of legal age to be touched inappropriately, right?" Jotaro challenged.

"You do realize that I don't care about what you have to say, right?" Dan retorted as he let go of my ass and took me by the hand. "Come, my dear. Let's go do a little bit of shopping. I'll even let you pick out a piece of jewelry." He smirked as we started to walk away hand in hand. I glanced over my shoulder to see Jotaro walking behind us. The shadow of his cap covered his eyes, and his mouth was dropped into a frown. This must be as hard for him as it was for me.

"Oh, Hiroko. I have this really annoying itch on my back, would you scratch it for me?" Dan asked as he stopped and turned to face me.

"Turn around, then..." I sighed. Dan smirked and turned his back to me. I started to scratch from the top of his back. "Ahh, just a little lower," he instructed. I rolled my eyes and scratched lower down his back. As I scratched his back, I started to scratch a little bit harder as I imagined clawing at his back and making him bleed. Those thoughts encouraged me to scratch harder, like a cat digging it's claws into a scratching post. This gave me so much satisfaction, and I scratched harder. I must have lost control of myself because Dan whipped round and slapped me across the face with such force that it knocked me to the floor. "That hurt, you fucking bitch!" He growled.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now