♥ Chapter 28 ♥

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It was starting to get dark, and we were stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Joseph was breaking some sticks and throwing them into a fire to keep it lit. Polnareff was scavenging for some more sticks for the fire whilst Jotaro was rummaging through the destroyed Cessna for our sleeping bags.

We were all quiet and tension filled the air.

I glanced over at Nori who was sitting on a nearby rock with his head in his hand. I sighed softly and walked over to him. "Are you okay?" I asked him softly as I crouched down in front of him and placed a hand on his knee.

"I don't know..." The redhead muttered. "I had another nightmare, and again; I can't remember what happened. When I woke up, I felt so exhausted. I think there's something wrong with me."

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure we'll find out what's causing this." Nori looked at me with a sleepy, half-lidded gaze. "Here, let me take a look at your arm. I think you caught it on something when you were struggling in your sleep."

Nori held out his arm to me as I came to sit beside him. As I started to roll his sleeve up, I saw three letters carved into his arm. 'B,' 'Y' and 'D.'

I looked up at Nori and saw him look down at the letters with a surprised expression. "Nori, what the hell?" I hissed at him as I pointed at the letters.

Nori didn't respond and continued to stare at the letters. I looked back down at his arm a proceeded to roll his sleeve further up his arm, gasping as I saw two words carved into his flesh.


"Baby Stand?" I read out loud and looked back up at the redhead. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Why did you do this to yourself, Nori?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I... I don't know. I don't remember doing anything like that..." He trailed off as he used his free hand to dig into his gakuran pocket and pulled out a pocketknife. He flicked it open and examined the blade. "There's nothing on my knife, so it couldn't have been done with this."

I looked at the knife in his hand. The blade glinted in the light of the fire. There was no dried blood to be seen anywhere.

"How can I not remember violently cutting my own arm?" He growled, clearly annoyed with himself.

I sighed softly and took the knife from him. I gave the blade one final look over and folded it back up and stuck it into the pocket of my leather jacket. "Calm down, Nori. We'll figure it out, don't worry. I'm just gonna grab some bandages from the first aid kit, so stay here," I instructed him as I stood up and jogged over to the Cessna.

I hopped over the fallen branches to get to the Cessna and saw Jotaro pulling out two sleeping bags from the pile of metal. "Hey, Jotaro!" I called out to him.

The delinquent glanced over his shoulder and his expression warmed up as soon as he saw me. "Hey. What're you doing out here?" He asked as I walked over to him.

"I need to grab the first aid kit. Nori's managed to cut himself somehow and he can't remember doing it," I briefly explained.

"Sometimes people don't remember hurting themselves. He probably caught himself on something during the crash." He shrugged as he went back to digging through the plane for our belongings.

"No. This wasn't accidental, Jotaro."

Jotaro stopped what he was doing and looked back at me. "What do you mean that it wasn't accidental?"

"He carved words into his arm. It's making me worried. He's never done anything like this before." I sighed as I turned my back to the Cessna and leaned against it.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now