Chapter 27

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Grace learned that Grace's mother's depression was due to the fact that she wasn't straight, she was a lesbian!  And she had a terrible battle with that all her life.  She married Roger, yes, but she really never loved him!  And he always knew that she was that way, well, at least he knew after they were married.  He didn't know before of course.  It was her secret, but a thing like that can't remain a secret forever.  And he was definitely furious when he found out, he felt betrayed, but there was nothing he could do about it, they were already married.

Ellen was from a good family.  Well educated, young, beautiful, a bit shy, and sweet.  He fell in love with her since the first time he saw her, it was love at first sight.  But of course, those were different times.  She just did what she was supposed to do.  She really didn't think much about it, but her little secret was eating her alive day by day.  She suffered so much.  Some people might think that she was a coward, but it takes a lot of courage to live with someone who you don't love.

At least, she loved her children, and she was a good mother.  She tried her best, she tried to be a good wife too.  She tried to get better.

She began to see a doctor, a very good psychiatrist for her depression, but her doctor, her name was doctor Megan Sanders; she was a lesbian too, and unfortunately both women fell in love with each other and that only made things worst.  Her husband didn't know of course that she was in love with her doctor and that she was suffering so much because of that.  It didn't help the fact that he was violent and abusive with his wife.

In that moment, Grace stopped reading, she couldn't believe what she was reading.  Her father abused her mother?  How was that?  Grace never saw anything like that, at least, she didn't remember anything like that, she always thought that they loved each other deeply and that they got along pretty well.  Was all that just a lie?  In her diary, her mother described her husband as a monster.  Grace could not believe it.  Would it be possible that he had something to do with her mother's death?  Was he responsible for her death in any way?  It didn't seem now possible that she would hurt herself on purpose if she was so in love with her doctor.  Right?  Some said that it was just an accident, a sad accident, while others thought that maybe she tried to hurt herself, but there was now another possibility and that was that someone tried to get rid of her.  That someone could be her father because her father had a good reason to get rid of her, they didn't love each other and that was enough.  Right?

She didn't know her parents as well as she thought, they were strangers to her now.  Her poor mother, suffering so much because she was gay and she was trapped in that horrible marriage without love, that was really depressing.  But her father must had suffered too of course, having a wife that didn't love him, it must have been very difficult for him.  A hopeless situation.  Her mother was so young, beautiful, and sweet, she shouldn't have died.

Grace wiped a lonely tear and she kept reading her mother's diary until she finished it.  She learned a lot and she was very surprised.  So her mother was a lesbian like her, well, times were different when her mother was young.  Not that now things had changed so much, but at least two women could get married now.  Right?  At least, in most of the countries.  Things were slowly changing.  The minds of the people, well, that was another thing.  There was still too much prejudice, hate, fear, and discrimination, and Grace knew it.  Many things that people couldn't understand, and usually what people couldn't understand, they're afraid of that.

She probably could never tell her father now that she was a lesbian, he just wouldn't understand or accept her; and Grace knew that he would just think about his wife, and think that Grace was just like her in so many ways.  That probably would make him furiuos.

It was good that Grace found and read her mother's diary.  Her love for Julia would have to be a secret now forever, unfortunately.  Maybe it was the best for all.  She would probably tell the truth to her brothers.  They were different, but not her father, not him.  He would never understand, not after what happened to him with his wife.  Grace was very glad to find that diary.

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