Chapter 30

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Julia gently untied Grace's dress from her nape while she kissed Grace on her mouth, leaving Grace's breasts exposed.  Grace wasn't wearing a bra, she shyly covered her breasts with her hands.

Julia began to softly kiss Grace's neck, Grace giggled.

"It tickles," Grace said.

Julia gently pulled down Grace's dress leaving Grace naked with just her tiny white lace thong.

"You're so beautiful, you're like a beautiful dream..." Julia said with a hoarse voice.  "I have never seen anyone so beautiful like you, Grace..."  Julia gently lay down Grace on bed.  Then she undressed herself.  Grace widened her eyes when she saw Julia's naked body, she was perfect, she was just wearing a red lace push up bra and a tiny red lace thong.  For Grace Julia was the sexiest woman on earth.

Julia took off her bra.  At first Grace didn't dare to look at her.  She was so shy.

"Don't be shy, Grace," Julia said tenderly, taking one of Grace's hand, Julia put Grace's hand on her breast.  "You can touch me, I don't bite," Julia said with a sensual voice.  Then Grace looked at her, Grace moaned when she felt Julia's firm breast, her skin felt so soft and warm.  Julia leaned and kissed Grace on her lips.  Grace opened her mouth a bit and Julia then kissed her with passion and love, caressing Grace's tongue with hers.  Grace squirmed in bed, she moaned.  "By the way, I love your sexy thong."

"Really?  It's new, I'm glad you like it..." Grace said innocently.

"Did you bought it for tonight?" Julia asked, Grace nodded.

"Then you bought it for me?" Julia said happy because Grace thought about her when she bought her underwear.  Jul softly caressed Grace's belly, Grace got tense.  "I think you will be more comfortable without it."  Grace widened her eyes, Julia laughed.  "You should've seen your face when I said that.  What's happening?  Are you shy now, sweety?  You didn't seem so shy before, I remember when I first met you, you undressed yourself infront of me, a total stranger, and when we were here and we used the pool just wearing our underwear, and when you took a shower here and you asked me to wash your back...  I remember all that and you certainly didn't seem shy to me then.  Why so shy now?  Tell me."

"I don't know, I thinks it's different now because..." Grace didn't finish the sentence, she thought by a moment, she didn't know how to explain it to Julia.

"Because before I wasn't going to touch you like this?" Jul said with a sensual voice slowly sliding her hand under Grace's thong grabbing Grace's crotch.  Grace held her breath and squezzed the sheets in her fists.

"Oooh!" Grace moaned.  Julia smiled mischievously.

"Do you want me to stop?" Julia asked mischievous, but Grace just shook her head with a blushed face.  Julia smiled and nodded.  Jul understood.  Julia began to gently caress Grace, intimately.  "Do you want me to turn off the lights?  Maybe you would feel more comfortable that way..."

Grace nodded.

"Yes, please," Grace said almost whimpering.  Julia then with her other hand turned off the lights.


"Good morning, my love," Julia said tenderly to Grace.  "Wake up, baby."

Grace opened her eyes.

"Good morning," Grace said yawning.

"How are you feeling today?" Julia asked with love.

"Great!  Wonderful!  In love!  You?"

Julia giggled.

"I think I've never felt so great in my life..." Julia said smiling.  "I feel so happy, Grace, I think, I'm in heaven..."

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