Chapter 7

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Abby looked at Grace with an amusing expression on her face.  Grace's face got pale by the shock.  She really didn't have an idea, she really didn't know.  Now all made sense, of course, like the two women kissing in the bathroom, the fact that there weren't any men around, and some other things too.  What should she do now?

"So you didn't know, right?" Abby asked.

"Of course not!" Grace said upset, she had stopped dancing and she was now standing there looking at Julia in the distance.  What was she up to bringing her there?  "She said this was a nightclub just for women, she didn't say anything about..."

Abby interrupted her.

"How long do you know her?"

"Well, actually, I met her yesterday, my dad brought her home, she is a co-worker and a friend too, I think he is pretty crazy about her.  He wanted us all to meet her."

"Probably he is like you, he doesn't know her very well.  I'm curious about why she brought you here?  There must be a reason."

"Yes, there must be a reason and I doubt that it was just for dancing," Grace said frowning.  What was Julia trying to do?  "Look, I have to go now.  Nice meeting you, Abby.  Thanks for the information."

"You're welcome.  So you are not gay?" Abby asked arching an eyebrow.  Grace rolled her eyes.  She couldn't believe this.  Of course she wasn't gay!  Right?  Well, the way she was feeling towards Julia said all the contrary, but as far as she knew, she wasn't gay; even when she felt in the way she felt towards Julia, she still thought that she was probably straight.  All the gay thing was just a misunderstanding.  She was a very confused young woman now.  And it was all Julia's fault.

Grace shook her head not very convinced.  She turned to leave.

"Wait," Abby grabbed Grace's arm.  "I would like to see you again.  Can you give me your cell phone number?  I'll call you."

Didn't she understand I'm not gay?

"Sorry, but I don't have a cell phone," Grace said thinking that that would fix the problem.

"Your house's phone number then?"

This girl was very persistent.  She wasn't going to give up so easily.

"Okay," she said finally, not very sure if she should do that, after all, Abby was just another stranger, like Julia, someone she just met in a gay nightclub by accident; but Abby probably wasn't going to call her anyway.  Maybe she was just trying to be friendly with her, maybe she felt sorry for her, her future stepmother brought her there and she didn't even know what kind of place was that.  That sounded so pathetic.  She told Abby the number and Abby save it in her cell phone.  Probably it was time that Grace bought one too for herself, she was so old-fashioned that she didn't even have a cell phone yet.  All her friends had one, but Grace refused to buy one.

"Thank you, Grace, it was nice meeting you, I'll see you soon, I hope.  I hope everything goes well for you and your future stepmother," Abby said winking an eye.

"Thank you, Abby, bye."  Grace walked to Julia, all kind of thoughts were fluttering on her mind.  Should she mention to Julia what Abby said or should she just wait and see what happened next?

"Did you have fun?" Julia asked when Grace returned and sat down on a stool in the bar at her side.

Grace nodded.

"Would you like something to drink?"

Grace shook her head.

"You are very quiet suddenly.  Are you okay?" she said, gently putting a strand of hair in the back of Grace's ear.  Her touch was so soft and intimate that it gave Grace goose bumps, her heart speeded as soon as she felt Julia's finger on her ear; just a simple touch of Julia and Grace's body was on fire again.  Grace face blushed.  She tried to look at another direction, she didn't want Julia to see her blushed face.  Grace gulped.  She nodded feeling nervous and anxious suddenly.  "Are you sure?"

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