Chapter 9

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Grace stared at the screen of her new cell phone.  It was one of those smart phones.  She wanted to see how smart her new phone was.  She tried to use the browser in her cell phone to search for a word.  She thought it was odd that the first thing that she wanted to do with her new cell phone was search for the word:  lesbian.  But it was the first thing that came to her mind.  To be honest to herself she had been thinking about that word a lot lately since she met Julia.

She found many information, but this definition of the word in particular caught her eye:  A lesbian is a female homosexual:  a female who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females.  Does that described her?  She knew that she felt something very similar like sexual attraction to Julia, but it was just to Julia and not to other females.  This was really confusing.  She probably should search a bit more and see what she could find about it before having an opinion about her own sexuality.

Grace decided then to search:  How can I know if I'm a lesbian?

Are you a lesbian?  That's what the first page read.

That's exactly what I want to know.  This is so stupid.  But she decided to read what the page said anyway.  The page had a test, it was a test to know if you were a lesbian, straight or bisexual.  Grace decided to take the test.  The first question in the test was:  When you see a pretty girl looking at you, what do you do?  And there were some answers, and she had to choose the one that describe her the best.  Well, I smile at her of course.  What else can I do?  Question number two, what colors do you like most?  The last option included pink, she chose that.  She liked pink and other pastel colors.  The next question, what do you feel when a girl hugs you?  What kind of question is that?  This is so stupid.  But she kept doing the test, she answered all the ten questions in the test the best she could, but in the end she just quit, she got really scared and she didn't want to know if she was a lesbian or not.  She just wasn't ready to know that yet, she knew she would have to deal with that sooner or later, she just left it for later, later it was best of course; but she had a strong feeling that she was a lesbian.  Maybe she was like Julia, a bisexual.  Maybe she was just a straight woman who casually liked just one woman in particular.  Does that made her a lesbian?  She checked again the definition of lesbian.

Well, she read on Internet that realizing that you are gay can be pretty overwhelming and scary.  That's how she felt right now.  She was thinking about all this when she heard suddenly a very familiar voice calling her.  It was Nicole.  What was Nicole doing there?  And where was Sam?  They were usually together.  Grace immediately stopped doing what she was doing.  What would Nicole think if she tells her that she might be a lesbian?  She would probably be very surprised.  It was better to keep it a secret until she was sure.

Grace was sitting under a big tree in the park.  The park was close to the book shop where Grace worked, she went to the park because she needed some time alone to think, she never thought that she would run into someone she knew in the park.

"Hi, Grace.  What are you doing here?"

"Hi," Grace said without any enthusiasm and forcing a smile, she really wasn't in the mood to talk to people right now.  "I just...  I came here to think, this is a nice place to think, very quiet and beautiful.  Don't you think?"

Nicole gave her a weird look, then she noticed the new cell phone on Grace's hand.

"Is that yours?" Nicole asked pointing with her finger to the cell phone.

Grace looked at the cell phone in her hand, for a moment she just forgot she had it.  Grace nodded.

"It's an early birthday gift from my father.  And he is planning to buy a car for me too soon."

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