Chapter 26

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Grace was sitting on Nicole's bed with her legs crossed.  Nicole was sitting behind her brushing Grace's hair.

"You have a beautiful hair, very healthy, I love to brush it, is so soft," Nicole said.

"Make a bun, I'll take a shower," Grace said.

"Oh, okay.  I need a shower too before I go to bed.  May I shower with you?" Nicole said.

"Sure.  You can wash my back and I'll wash yours," Grace said giggling, she winked.  Nicole's heart accelerated.  They had showered together before of course, but for some reason Nicole felt a bit nervous this time, this time was different somehow.  It had passed some time since the last time.  Everything was different now.  There weren't secrets now between them.  Nicole made the bun.  "I need to make a call first, would you mind?"

"No, I'll leave you alone, I'll be back in a minute, I need to drink some water.  Would you like a glass too?"

"Okay, I think I'm thirsty too, thanks," Grace said grabbing her cell phone.  Nicole left the room, she closed the door and went to the kitchen while Grace made her call.

Victoria's lips were kissing Julia's shoulder, her lips tried to softly suck on Julia's skin, Julia was worried that Victoria's lips left a mark there.  With her hand Victoria cupped one of Julia's breasts, Julia got tense with the sudden caress, Victoria noticed it and that encouraged her to continue.  In that moment Julia heard her cell phone rang.  She immediately got away from Victoria and took her cell phone to answer it quickly without even notice who was calling her.

"Yes?" Julia said almost panting and she almost dropped her cell phone when she heard the voice of the person who was calling her.  She got pale and completely sober in less than a minute.

"Hi, Jul.  Are you busy?  What are you doing?"  It was Grace who wanted to say good night to her.  Grace missed her terribly.

"Hi, sweety, no, I'm not busy.  Are you okay?" Julia said while standing up from the bed, she quickly put on her shoes, grabbed her purse, and left the room without saying good-bye to Victoria, without even look at her.  Victoria just stayed there in bed very disappointed, looking at Julia leave the room.  She sighed frustrated.

"Yes, I'm fine.  I just wanted to hear your voice and say good night before I go to sleep.  I'm at Nicole's house.  We are having a slumber party at her house.  It was her idea.  She is in the kitchen right now drinking water.  I think I'll take a shower and go to sleep, I'm tired.  How's your trip going?"

Grace said all that very calmed, as if nothing was happening; well, maybe it was because nothing was happening, it was just an innocent slumber party at her best friend's house and nothing else, and Julia would have to learn to trust Grace, Grace was a good girl, Julia shouldn't feel jealous of course, but she couldn't help to feel a bit jealous.  Grace wasn't like her who almost slept with her ex at the first chance she had.  Grace wasn't like that and it was good, it was very good.  Grace was someone in whom she could trust, always, no matter what.  And of course Julia wasn't going to say anything to Grace right now about sleeping at Nicole's house because her conscience wasn't exactly clean.

"Good, very good, better than I expected."

"Are you okay?  You sound as if you were doing exercise."

"I'm fine, I'm just walking quickly while I'm talking to you, I'm returning to my hotel room, I was having dinner and I'm walking to my room right now, that's all."  Lies and more lies...  It was all Victoria's fault, right?

"Oh, I see.  What you had for dinner?  Was it good?"

"Yes, yes, it was good.  What you had for dinner?"

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