Chapter 16

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"Is it far?" Grace asked.

"No, it's not so far, we are almost there," Julia said smiling, looking at Grace with the corner of her eye.  "Why?  Are you nervous?"

Grace sighed.

"Well...  Yes, a little."

"I told you, my grandmother will love you, don't be so scared, she is not going to bite you, sweety.  She is very sweet, kind, and friendly, like Amy and Michael.  If it were my parents, that would be totally different, and I would understand your fear, but my grandmother is very sweet, she is a good person, you don't need to be afraid of her."

"I'm taking a mental note of that:  not to be afraid of your grandma, but be very scared of your parents; well, Julia, thanks for that, that really makes me feel a lot better, thanks," Grace said sarcastically.

Julia laughed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but you know, my parents...  Well, they are completely different.  They are very strict and demanding.  They don't accept me, we have talked about this, remember?"

Grace nodded.

"Yes, I remember.  You already told me, I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault.  Okay?"

"I know, I know.  I don't know if my dad is like them too or if my brothers will accept me, but I don't care, is my life, my happiness, and that's none of their business, that's nobody's business."

"You are right, but things are always better and more easy when our loved ones love us and accept us just the way we are, without judging us and criticizing us, without any kind of prejudice, which is really very unfair.  We all need to be accepted and loved the way we are.  It really hurts me the way my parents treat me, I'm their daughter.  Why can't they just accept me the way I am?  I'm not a criminal, and I'm not a bad person; I'm just bisexual, and that's not a crime."

Hearing Julia talking like that with so much pain, that really hurt Grace.  She didn't want Julia to suffer and she knew that her parents were really hurting her with their behavior, Grace wished that there was something she could do to help Julia.  Julia was a good woman, a really sweet, kind, and generous person, she was a wonderful woman, her parents were really unfair to her.  Julia was much more than just her sexual orientation.  Why they couldn't see that?

Grace put her hand on Julia's arm and gave her a soft squeez.

"Don't worry for that, Julia.  Maybe they'll change someday, people change, you know?  Everything is possible.  And if they don't accept you, I accept you; and your brother accepts you, and your sister, and your grandma.  There are many people who loves you and accepts you just the way you are.  And that's what really matters.  Please don't be sad, today is our day, we should be happy not sad, we must enjoy our day together, our special day, I can't be happy if you are sad," Grace said trying to cheer her up.

Julia wasn't expecting that.  Grace seemed to really care about her.  That took her by surprise.  And Grace was right, there were many people who loved Julia and accepted her the way she was.  She should be happy and not sad.  And if her parents didn't accept her that was their problem.

Julia smiled.

"Thanks, you are right, Grace.  I'm sorry if I made you sad."

"It's okay, don't worry.  May I call you, Jul?  Michael and Amy call you Jul..."

"Of course, you can call me whatever you want, it's okay, I don't mind," Julia said smiling happy.

"I love to see you smile.  Your smile is really pretty."

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