Chapter 35

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"I know, I know... I'm doing something terrible and... low," Grace said. "And if my father knows he is going to hate me for sure, forever."

"I don't know what to say... I know that this must be very difficult for you, you must be suffering a lot, and I'm sorry. If there's something I can do to help you, please let me know, don't hesitate, I'm your friend, and I'm here for you if you need me."

"Thanks, Nicole, I really appreciate it."

"Does she gave you this roses? They are beautiful and so romantic..."

"And my favorite chocolates. Would you like one?"

"Sure, thanks."

"She also gave me this necklace..." Grace said showing it to Nicole.

"Wow! It's beautiful and it must be very expensive too."

"Do you think so?"

"I know so."

"Let's put the flowers in a vase with some water..."

"Sure. Don't be sad. Everything will be fine, you'll see. Everything in this life have a solution, well, almost everything... That's what my grandma use to say," Nicole said trying to cheer Grace up.

"I'm glad you are here with me, Nicole. You always say something to help me feel better... You are always taking care of me... I wish I could help you with your problem."

"With Sam? I think I have to give Sam some space and some time to think and to digest everything, this is probably not easy for him... I don't know... I didn't want to say anything before because I was afraid that something like this might happen and it happened, I was right; and I now probably will lost my brother just for being gay, it's not fair..." Nicole said.

"I know, nothing is fair..."

"Who is the handsome guy with your girlfriend? Is he her brother?" Nicole asked changing the subject. Then Grace explained everything to Nicole. "That's a great idea. Do you think it works?"

"Well, I'm not sure, I don't know, he is gay and that is so obvious if you spend some time with him... I think maybe dad will notice it... But I hope not."

"I see. I hope not too. Would you dance with me, Grace? We haven't dance yet, and you already danced with Abby..." Nicole said. Grace smiled.

"Sure, let's dance..." Grace said taking Nicole's hand. Nicole giggled. They began to dance, Julia was watching them, they were dancing and laughing.

"Would you like to dance, Julia?" Roger asked Julia who was talking to him, because he saw that she was watching the others dance, and he thought that maybe she wished to dance too. Julia looked at Paolo who was close to her.

"It's okay, dear, dance with the gentleman, I don't mind," Paolo said. Roger took Julia's hand. Jul seemed tense.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Roger asked Julia when they were dancing.

"Something like that, we are dating," Julia said.

"I see. I thought that you didn't have a man in your life, that you weren't dating anyone, you seemed so focused on your work... I'm sorry... That's why I..." Roger said.

"I understand, don't worry, it's okay. I probably should have tell you..." Julia said.

"It's not your fault... How long have you two been dating?"

"Well, not long, but we know each other since college..." Julia said.

"I see... Well, I wish you the best."

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