Chapter 19

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Grace looked at her doctor straight in the eye, a serious expression on her face to let her know that she wasn't kidding, this was something very serious and delicate, at least for Grace; her heart was pounding very fast in her chest waiting for her doctor's reaction.

Grace really needed to get this out of her chest, and she thought that her psychiatrist was the right person to talk about this delicate subject; it would be something confidential and it would be handled from a very professional perspective.  Grace really couldn't think of someone better than doctor Paul to talk about what she was recently experiencing.  Her psychiatrist would be totally neutral and honest about this, Grace knew that she would be very helpful, like always.  Grace knew that she really didn't have anyone else to talk about this.  Her 'friendship' with Julia was a secret for everyone.

Doctor Paul was Grace's psychiatrist since Grace's mother died, and she did a great job with Grace, she helped her a lot.

Doctor Paul's face expression remained unaltered, but this didn't surprise Grace because she knew that doctors were used to hear all kinds of confessions.

"Would you like to talk more about it?" doctor Paul said with a calmed voice.  Grace nodded.

"I know that it seems soon, but I guess, when you fall in love with someone is always like that, something sudden sometimes, and I guess sometimes you fall in love with someone with the time; it's probably different with every person; but it's the first time that happens to me, and it was a surprise because I always thought that my first time will be with a guy, but no, I fell in love with a woman that I met recently; and something else, she is much older than me..."

"I see.  So, are you sure about your feelings for this woman?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I definitely fell in love with her.  I don't have doubts about it.  I know exactly what I feel for her and... it is love, definitely."  Grace sighed realizing what she just said, it was odd hearing herself saying it out loud for the first time.  Admiting that to herself and to her doctor wasn't as hard as she thought it would be; after all, it was the truth, she felt love for Julia, she was in love with her, it didn't matter that she wasn't sure about Julia's feelings for her, it didn't matter that Julia was a woman and not a man, their ages also didn't matter to Grace, she realized that when you fell in love with someone nothing else really mattered, just your feelings.  And Grace was really sure about all her feelings for Julia.

"Would you like to talk more about this woman?"

"As I said she is much older than me, but she is gorgeous... and wonderful..."

"Did she seduce you?  Is that what happened here?"

"No.  It wasn't anything like that.  She is just a friend..."

"Just a friend, eh?  A friend who's much older than you?  And how did you meet this 'friend'?"

"At my house, she is a friend of my father, you could say that she is a friend of the family, he invited her to our home one day for dinner and that's how we met...  She is bisexual by the way..."

Grace avoided to mention the fact that her father was probably in love too with the same woman.

"I see...  Did she tell you that?"

Grace nodded.

"You two seem to be very close, I mean if she told you something like that, that means she trust you and that you two are very close friends.  Have you told this to anyone else?"

Grace shook her head.

"Of course not, our 'friendship' is a secret, no one could know about it.  I don't want to cause her any trouble, she is a good person.  The thing is, I don't know about her feelings for me, I don't know if she is just playing with me, having a good time and that's all, is probably nothing serious for her, but for me...  I see things in a different way, maybe because I'm young and it's the first time I fall in love."

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