Chapter 5

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Grace sighed while she opened the door of the book store.  Her mind was full of thoughts and one of them was to be careful with Julia.  Grace didn't know Julia very well and she didn't know what were her intentions.  It was very odd no matter how she looked at the situation.  Grace's father was very interested in Julia, they were apparently good friends, and apparently he wanted to be more than just friends with Julia and that's why he brought her to his home in the first place; on the other hand Julia didn't seem to be interested in him in any way, but she accepted his invitation anyway, and this was very suspiscious.  Julia invited Grace for lunch and apparently she wanted to be Grace's friend, two women with apparently nothing in common and of very different ages, too odd also.  Grace was confused.  What Julia really wanted?  She was definitely up to something, but what?  Grace frowned.

"Hi, Grace, how are you today?" her boss greeted her.  Mary Louise, her boss, was a woman in her thirties, slim, and tall.  She had a friendly smile.

"Hi.  I'm fine.  I just had lunch at a nice Greek restaurant," Grace sighed.  "I think I ate too much, but it was worth it, the food was delicious, also the dessert.  Have you ate Greek food?"  Grace didn't know why she told Mary Louise about her lunch, it was suppossed to be a secret, but she felt so happy that she had the need to tell someone about her incredible lunch.  Why was she so happy about?  After all, it was just food anyway.

"No, you know I'm a vegetarian."

"But they had salads too, you should try it someday."

"If you say so...  You seem very happy today."

"I am."

"Good, because I have some fabulous tasks for you today, let's go."  She didn't even ask Grace why she was so happy today.  Her mind was concentrated in all the work they needed to do.  It was good that she didn't ask, Grace wouldn't know what to say anyway, because she didn't even know exactly why she was so happy.

"Okay."  She followed Mary Louise without much enthusiasm.  What would she have in mind for today?

Grace began walking to the library, her friends would meet her there for a study in group.  She looked at her wrist watch and thought that maybe it was better if she took the bus, she was a bit late, and she could get there faster if she took the bus.  Suddenly, she felt a rain drop fall over her forehead.  She raised her gaze to look at the sky wiping with her hand the rain drop from her forehead, it started to rain quickly.  The rain drops felt cold on her skin, like a million of pins hurting her skin.  She began to run trying to look for a place where she could wait while the rain stopped.  Grace saw a car approaching to her, it stopped when it reached her, the window opened and Grace could see the driver, it was Julia.  What was Julia doing there?

"Come inside, you are going to get wet," Julia said opening the door for Grace who hesitated a bit before going into the car.  Was Julia following her?  No, that was definitely a stupid thought.  Why Julia would do that?  It didn't make sense.

"Thanks," Grace said when she sat in the passenger seat.  Rain drops were on her hair.

Julia kept driving as soon as Grace closed the door.  Grace's clothes were a bit wet.

"Don't you have an umbrella for cases like this?" Julia asked.

"I left mine at home today, I didn't know it was going to rain."

"Yesterday rained a lot."

"Yes, I know.  I just didn't know that it would rain today too."

"There was the chance of rain today as well, I guess.  Oh, I love rainy days.  I think rainy days are very romantic, don't you think?  You can cuddle with your loved one and hear the rain while you both drink a cup of hot chocolate or eat a nice hot soup and talk..."  She sighed.  "Isn't it nice?" Julia said smiling like thinking about it.  Grace frowned.

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