Chapter 2

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Grace was in the kitchen washing the dishes, the dinner was a success, everybody loved what she cooked.  They had a nice time together eating and chatting, and enjoying the delicious food and good company.  Roger didn't take his eyes off of Julia during the whole dinner, while Julia didn't take her eyes off of Grace, and Grace noticed all this, it made her feel very uncomfortable, and shy during dinner.  She hoped that her father didn't notice it.  What was wrong with that woman?

After dinner, Grace had served the dessert and then later they all went to the living room where her father, Julia, and her older brother would drink a cup of coffee and would enjoy a nice chat.  George had retired to his bedroom, and Grace went to the kitchen to wash the dirty dishes, but for some odd reason she couldn't concentrate in what she was doing because her mind was thinking about Julia.  Julia, she was...  Well, she was really something.  She was really mysterious, the way she looked at Grace, the way she talked to Grace, the way she behaved...  Everything seemed so odd.  And why she made Grace feel so nervous and so uneasy?

"Is there something I can do to help you?  I can dry the dishes," Julia said appearing suddenly in the kitchen startling Grace who accidentally dropped a glass in the sink splashing some water with soap on her beautiful dress.  Grace looked at her dress worried that the little accident would leave a stain on her new dress.  She should wear an apron, but of course she never thought that something like this could happen, she was always very careful in the kitchen.  Julia approached to her quickly looking at the dress too.  "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I startled you when I appeared suddenly in the kitchen, sorry."

"Is okay, don't worry.  I better go change now.  I'll wash the stains immediately and it will be fine," Grace said smiling friendly and drying her hands with a kitchen towel.  She went to her room, Julia followed her.

"Is there anything I can do to help?  I feel terrible for what happened to your beautiful dress," Julia said.

"Is okay, it's not your fault, I was a bit clumsy because I was distracted, that's all, it's not your fault so please, don't feel bad for this.  It's nobody's fault, okay?  It's nothing, don't worry.  I should wear an apron."

"At least, let me help you clean the dress, is the least I can do."

"It's okay.  Don't worry.  You are our guest, and guests don't clean our clothes.  You should be in the living room with the others having fun.  Maybe they are missing you already."

"I wanted to spend some time with you alone," Julia said in a low voice.  A very surprised Grace raised her head to look at her with a mix of confusion and curiousity.  "I would like to know you better and be your friend.  Is that okay with you?"

Grace nodded.  Julia then made as if she was to leave.

"Wait," Grace said.  "Would you like to see my room?"  That was all she could say after hearing Julia, well, she didn't know what else to say.

Julia nodded. Both smiled.  Then Julia followed Grace to her bedroom.

"Well, this is it.  Do you like it?" Grace said.

Julia smiled.

"It's cute," Julia said looking around, it was definitely a very feminine room.  Grace closed the door and walked to the closet to look for another thing to wear.  Julia sat down on the bed still looking around.

"It has a nice view from the window," Grace added.  She found another dress in her closet, a yellow summer dress without sleeves, not so new as the other one of course, but comfortable, cute, and perfect for working at the kitchen.  She began to try to unzip her dress, Julia stood up quickly from the bed and approached to Grace, she wanted to help Grace, Grace could feel Julia's soft hands on hers.

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