Chapter 3

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Another loud thunder was heard and Grace jumped scared. The cup in her trembling hands dropped to the sink. She couldn't stop it, it just slipped from her hands. She felt so clumsy. She was embarrassed. It was the second time that day, it was good that this time her dress didn't get wet.

Julia noticed that Grace seemed tense and upset, she gently put a hand on her shoulder. Julia was concerned.

"Grace, are you alright?" she spoke softly. Grace nodded.

"Thunders scares me and makes me very nervous, I don't like them." Grace had the courage to admit her fear of thunders to Julia, someone she just met, but she felt comfortable talking to Julia about her fear, Julia seemed to be a very understanding woman, someone she could trust. Someone who knows how to listen and would respect her, no matter what she said.

"I see. Yes, thunders can be very noisy and annoying sometimes, and many people don't like them, but you are safe here," she said tenderly.

"I know," she said, grabbing the cup again feeling upset by the annoying thunders. Julia frowned noticing that her hands were trembling a bit. This just worried her more. There was something that Grace wasn't telling her. Julia didn't want to pry so she just kept drying the dishes with the kitchen towel. She decided to change the subject. It was probably the best.

"Would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow, Grace?" Julia said suddenly. She definitely wanted to know Grace better. Grace raised her head to look at Julia with surprise.


"I would understand if you can't of course. I know that you are very busy with your studies and all..."

"I can, I would like to have lunch with you tomorrow," she said smiling totally forgetting that she was upset about the thunders just seconds ago. Lunch with Julia was a very good news. Grace felt in a good mood now.

"Really? Great! We can meet at the fast food restaurant close to the clinic at lunch hour and go to a nice place I know."

"Oh, okay. I could go to the clinic if you want..."

"No. No, don't go there, I think is best if we meet at another place."

"Oh, okay, no problem."

"Do you have classes tomorrow?"

"Yes, I have two, then I'm free. I work in the afternoon."

"It's just that I don't want to interrupt your schedule."

"It's okay, you aren't interrupting anything, and I have to eat anyway," she said laughing. Her laugh was pleasant and refreshing, Julia thought.

"That's great. I usually take my lunch with me, from home, you know, I usually make something and take it to my job and eat in my office alone, but I think it would be nice to eat out with a friend and have a nice chat."

She was considering Grace as her friend! And they just met.

"Yes, it's less boring and less lonely. That's why I always eat with my friends."

"Yes, you are right, that's nice, but sometimes I'm so busy at the clinic, you know... Will you be having lunch with your friends tomorrow?"

"I can eat with them another time, don't worry."

"I would like to meet them sometime."


"Yes, really."

"Oh, Okay, I can fix that. You are pretty cool. Did you know that?" Both laughed.

"Thanks. Tell me a bit about your job. What do you do? Do you like it?"

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