Chapter 18

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"Grace! What a nice surprise to find you here," Sam said with enthusiasm, his eyes with a glow in them now. "I didn't know you would be here. What are you doing here?"

"Well, Sam, I guess, the same thing that you are doing here; to watch a movie. Are you alone?"

"Yes, I'm alone. Nicole had things to do. Are you alone too?" Sam said with hope in his voice.

Grace cleared her throat thinking, waiting for Julia to do or say something.

"Hi, I'm Julia," Julia said suddenly introducing herself to Sam and extending her hand to him to greet him.

"Hi, Sam Lechner, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Sam. I came here to watch a movie also, and I found Grace here alone, like you did, and I decided to say hi to her. I was just asking her about what movie she was going to watch when you appeared..." Julia said, thinking that saying that seemed like the perfect idea. "What a coincidence..."

"Really? I see... And who are you?"

"I'm Julia, and I'm a friend of the family."

This made Grace to feel sad suddenly, it was as if Grace was just Julia's dirty little secret and she felt embarrassed of Grace. Julia didn't even mention that she was Grace's friend, Julia just said that she was a friend of the family, and she didn't mention either her last name like Sam did. What was that?

Just a friend of the family, that sounded so cold and distant, but perhaps that was the best. Julia didn't want anyone to discover the truth. The truth, what was really the truth? Grace didn't know. Was the truth that Julia was really just a friend of the family who for some reason was interested in her father when at the same time she flirted with Grace secretly just to have a good time with Grace? Grace had read a little about bisexual people, she knew that they sometimes just like to have a good time with someone of their same sex, but when they had to choose a partner they always choose someone of the opposite sex. Grace thought that was sad. Was it always that way? Was that really true? Could Julia be an exception?

"Well, if you are alone, let me watch a movie with you, Grace; it would be my pleasure," Sam said ignoring Julia, with a smile of satisfaction on his face.

Julia and Grace looked at each other. Grace wasn't sure about what she should say.

"Sam, I came here alone because I wanted to be alone today, if I wanted to watch a movie with someone I would have invited Nicole. Don't you think?"

Sam blinked thinking fast.

"I guess... But you won't be really alone in a place like this, Grace. The theater is full of people. And I won't bother you, I will be just one more around you, I won't even say a word," Sam said with determination. "I'm one of your best friends, remember?"

"I know Sam, I know, okay, let's watch a movie together. What would you like to watch?"

"I'll let you to choose the movie because, I'm a gentleman."

"Well, let's watch a mystery movie then, I really like those, and there's one I would like to watch," Grace said not very happy. I wanted to watch it with Jul, not with you.

"Great! And after that why don't we go to eat pizza? I know you love pizza."

"Okay, sounds great. Movie and a pizza, it seems like a date," Grace said without enthusiasm.

"Perfect! Let's go," Sam said putting his arm around Grace's shoulders. Julia raised an eyebrow, she didn't like what was happening in front of her eyes, but there was nothing she could do about it. They just left ignoring her like if she wasn't there. And she stayed there watching them to leave in disbelief. Her idea wasn't such a great idea after all, she lost her date! What she should do now?

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