Chapter 39

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"Sure, dad, no problem.  I can eat my breakfast later, it's not going anywhere," Grace said following her father.

"Maybe it will just go to my stomach..." George said kidding.

"Girls, please save me some pancakes, I'll be right back, make sure George doesn't eat mine," Grace said talking to Nicole, Abby, and Linda.

"Sure, Grace, no problem," Nicole said.

"No one is going to eat your breakfast," Abby said.

"We'll save yours, Grace, don't worry," Linda said.

"Thanks," Grace said.

Grace followed her father to his cabin where he kindly asked her to sit down.

"What is it, dad?  Is something wrong?" Grace asked innocently, but she had an idea about what was all that about.

"I don't like your friendship with Nicole and Abby.  They'll just..." Roger said.

"What is it, dad?  Nicole is my best friend, she has been my friend, my only friend, since we were in school..." Grace said.

"The point is, Grace...  That I discovered that she has bad habits, and that Abby too; and that can be very contagious..." Roger said.

"Bad habits, dad?  I think I don't understand."

"Yes, bad habits, she is a lesbian, Grace, so do Abby.  They are a bad influence for you, Grace.  I caught them having sex last night on my couch!  And they were drinking too!  Can you imagine that?"

"Wow!  I didn't know that.  Really?"  She played dumb.

"Yes, really.  Of course!  I'm not going to make that up, something so serious like that, Grace!  It was really very disgusting; I didn't know that Nicole was a lesbian." Roger said in a very dramatic way, he sighed passing his hand over his head.

"I see.  But I can't do anything about it, dad.  It's none of our business anyway, that's their lives, if they are as you said they are, then there's nothing I can do about it," Grace said.

"I know that, Grace.  I just don't want you to be their friend anymore...  They are no good for you.  I think you need some new friends..." Roger insisted.

"What!?  Dad...  You can't ask me that.  As I said, Nicole is my best friend..."

"What a friend...  I don't like what they did here last night, it is wrong, and disrespectful too, and you know that, Grace."

"They are my friends, end of the discussion," Grace said with determination.  She intended to leave the cabin and return to the dining room, but Roger grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going, Grace?  I'm not finish," Roger said squeezing her arm.

"You're hurting me," Grace said scared, her father's face was totally distorted by his fury.  Roger released her arm.

"I'm sorry, Grace. I didn't mean to hurt you.  You know how much I love you, I've never hurt you..." Roger said more calmed.

"It's okay.  May I go now to eat my breakfast?  It's going to get cold."

"Sure, but think about what I said, Grace.  I know that you don't understand this now, but it's for your own good, sweety.  Bad habits could be very contagious..."

"Sure, dad," Grace said leaving.  What she would do now that her father was pressuring her to abandon her friends?  What he would try to do next if she refused to leave her friends?  He could be very dangerous, violent...

"What he wanted, Grace?" Nicole asked Grace, worried, when Grace returned to the table.

"We'll talk about it later, Nicole," that was all she said grabbing her plate of pancakes and adding some butter and syrup to her pancakes.  Nicole knew that something was wrong, but Grace didn't want to talk in front of the others.

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