Chapter 20

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"What happened to Grace, dad?" Gabe asked, a worried expression on his face.  "Is she sick?"

"She was perfectly fine when she arrived home, in fact, she was actually happy; she said she had a good day today at the zoo with her friends.  I don't know why she fainted, but I'll find out.  Maybe she didn't eat today, I don't know.  She was so well just a moment ago...  She is so pale now, she looks so fragile, she is as cold as ice," Roger said frowning, gently rubbing Grace's cheek with his thumb.  "I don't like this."

"Here is the bottle of alcohol, dad," George said.

Roger put some alcohol in a handkerchief and approach it to Grace's nose.

"Grace, Grace, open your eyes," her father said.  Grace slowly opened her eyes, her mind was a bit confused, she didn't remeber what happened, but suddenly she had a strong headache.  She didn't know what happened.

"What happened?" Grace asked confused looking at her father.

"You fainted, remember?" her father said.

Then suddenly, all the memories came back to her mind like an avalanche that threaten to bury her alive.  Anguish seized her.  Her heart speeded, she felt that she couldn't breathe very well and she began to feel bad again.

This was a nightmare, this couldn't be happening.  Her Jul couldn't be doing this to her.  Of course, Julia never promissed to her that she would stop dating her father, and Julia never said that she loved Grace.  They weren't even a couple, just two good friends, she shouldn't forget that.  She shouldn't be feeling in the way she was feeling, it was like suddenly something very heavy landed on her.

"I remember now," Grace whispered weakly while her father checked her blood pressure and her pulse.

"Did you eat today?" her father asked.

Grace nodded.

"Your pulse is very fast, but your blood pressure is fine.  What did you eat today?" her father asked.

"The usual, a burger, fries, a soda, ice cream..." Grace said.

"I'll check your blood sugar too, give me your hand," her father said.  Her brothers were around them watching in silence, her father had put Grace on the couch.

"I'm okay, dad," Grace said, but her father took her hand and made the test anyway; he also checked her temperature, and listened to her heart.  Just the perks of having a doctor as your father.

"I'm the doctor here, sweety, not you, I'll be the one who decides if you are okay or not, don't protest, be a good girl," her father said still examining her.

"I'm okay, it was nothing, dad, really," Grace insisted.

"Are you taking your pills, Grace?  You seem very stressed out today.  You know that's not good for you," her father said.

"I know, I know."

"I'll give you a sedative, you need to be calmed down and rest; and stop eating so much junk food."

"A sedative?  No!"

"Just give me your arm," he said with a syringe in his hand already ready with the sedative.  "You need to go to the clinic when you have time for some tests, that wasn't something normal and I'm very worried for your health."

"Ouch!  That hurt!  I told you it was nothing, I'm..." Grace began to say but the sedative was quickly making its effect on her, she had trouble to keep her eyes open.

"Don't try to fight with the sedative and close your eyes, sweety.  Sleep well," Roger said looking at his daughter and rubbing her cheek.  He then took Grace in his arms and took Grace to her bed, he gently put her there, he took off her shoes, and covered Grace with a blanket.  "Watch her while I'm gone, she needs to rest," he said to his sons, they both nodded.  Grace fell in a deep sleep.

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