Chapter 41

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"I want to buy a book for my little sister," Julia said.

"We have an entire area here that is just for children, there are many nice children's books there, also coloring books, puzzles, and other educational stuff that I think you both will like.  Come with me, I'll show you," Grace said.


"You're welcome."

"I have a job interview tomorrow," Julia whispered.

"That's great," Grace whispered back.

"Yes, it is.  I'm hopeful..."

"I can move out of the house, everything is fixed...  When do you think I can move to your place?" Grace asked.

"Can you this weekend?"


"I'll help you..."

"It's okay, my brothers can help me.  I just have to ask them...  I don't have many things anyway..."

"How is your father taking it?"

"Not very well, he seems so sad..."

"I see."

"A lot have happened, I have to tell you, but not now."

"Okay.  Call me later if you have time."

"Sure.  You are not going to believe it..."

They had not see each other since the party.

"Now I'm curious..."

"Don't worry, I'll call you and I'll tell you everything.  By the way, how is your little sister and your grandmother?"

"My little sister is well, like always.  She asked about you.  And my grandmother received a call from her piano teacher, she was very happy for that, she told me everything about it, they talked for hours on the phone.  They will see each other soon," Julia said looking at some books.

"Really?  That's great!  Wow!"

Julia giggled.  She loved all Grace's expressions, Grace seemed happy and surprised now.  She really didn't know how to hide her emotions, she was like a little girl sometimes.  Julia remembered when she met her.

"I've missed you..." Julia said.

Grace blushed.

"Really?  I've missed you too..."

Julia smiled showing all her perfect teeth.  Julia's smile lit up Grace's day.

"Do you doubt it?  I think of you a lot..."

Grace smiled.

"It's so nice to hear you..." Grace said blushing.  Julia smiled too.

"I'm sorry that we have to hide always, that we whisper a lot, and that we can't go for a walk holding hands like other couples do..." Julia whispered.

"It's okay, really, I don't mind..." Grace whispered.

They looked at each other's eyes in silence for a while, smiling, their gazes said it all.  Grace's boss appeared in that moment.

"Are you going to buy a book, miss or are you going to look at my employee the whole day?  She has work to do, you know...  Do you know her, Grace?" her boss asked.  They both blushed.  Julia remembered again about what Grace had said once, when two people are in love it is impossible to hide it, everyone notices it.

"I'm sorry to take so much of your time, I guess I didn't realize that you were so busy, I'm sorry.  Please accept my apologies...  I'll buy this one, thanks.  It has so many beautiful ilustrations...  It's perfect, just what I was looking for.  Thanks so much for your help," Julia said before Grace had the chance to say anything.  Grace's boss took the book.

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