Chapter 36

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"You two really are a cute couple...  You are so lucky...  This is so romantic...  I think, if this was a romantic story, how we could put your two names together?" Paolo said.

"What do you mean?  I don't understand," Julia said.

"I know!  Julace!  What do you think?"

"I think you watch too much tv," Julia said driving her car, looking at the road.

"But, don't you like it how it sounds?  Julace?  It's your names together..."

"I know.  But we are Julia and Grace, just Julia and Grace or Jul as she calls me, and Grace, Jul and Grace.  This is not a soap opera, we are talking about our lives here, this is serious, this is real, and we are human beings with real lives and real problems, I guess," Julia said serious.

"I'm sorry, Julia, I know.  I didn't want to sound as if I don't take you two seriously..." Paolo said.

"I know.  I'm just worried and so stressed right now..." Julia said.

"I understand...  Have you find a new job?"

"I've applied online for some positions and I'm still waiting..."

"Let's cross our fingers..."

They arrived to Paolo's apartment.

"Would you like to come in?" Paolo said.

"It's late," Jul said.

"I know, but you never visits me, and you are my girlfriend now..." Paolo said kidding.  "We can at least drink a cup of coffee and chat a little..."

Julia smiled.

"Okay.  I think I at least owe you that.  You've been such a good friend, and boyfriend too...  We can talk about the old times...  Remember when we were at college..." Julia said thoughtful.

"Those were other times, life was less complicated for us, I guess..." Paolo said.

"For me, well, problems always seems to have their way to find me.  Do you remember, Victoria?" Jul asked.

"Yes, of course, I remember her.  Why?  Didn't she left you?"

"Yes, but..."


"She 'found' me again..."

"What do you mean?"

They took the elevator, Paolo lived in a big penthouse by the beach.


"No, I don't.  What do you mean, George?" Grace said innocently.

"That maybe she is like you, Grace, you now?  That she is a lesbian and she likes women...  Or maybe she is a bisexual.  That would explained it.  Or maybe she is a pansexual...  I don't know.  The thing is that her behaviour tonight with you is not normal, and I think that Gabe noticed it too," George said.

"I think that you have a great imagination, George...  And now, if you excuse me, I have something to do," Grace said serious, leaving.

George stayed there looking at her in disbelief.

"She has something to do?  But it's her birthday...  This is so weird..."

"Why don't we play another game?  What about pin the tail on the donkey?" Nicole said.  They were all together deciding what to do next.

"That's for little kids, Nicole," Abby said.

"No it's not, and is fun," Nicole insisted.

"What about... truth or dare?" Gabe said.

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