Chapter 43

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How could she fix everything with Grace?  Was it possible?  Was what they had strong enough to survive this?

Julia kept seeing in her mind Grace's sad face, all those tears, she seemed so hurt, and it was all Julia's fault.  Julia felt terrible.  She never meant to hurt Grace, but it happened.  Could Grace forgive her someday?  Could Grace trust her again?  Maybe Grace just needed some time to think alone like Victoria said and after that Grace would forgive her, after all, Grace had a generous heart and this kind of things sometimes happened in a relationship.  Did Grace know that?  Julia was her first girlfriend...  Grace's first love, which it's not easy to forget, right?

Maybe Victoria was right and she wasn't ready to commit to a relationship, yet.  She thought that she was, but now she was beginning to have some doubts.  How could she be in a relationship with someone when she wasn't ready to come out of the closet?  What life could she give Grace?  Always hiding, that was awful, she really hated that; but there was no other way, right?

Dinner was ready, and it seemed delicious, so she better go for Victoria.  She went inside the guest house, she didn't knock at the door first.  The problem when you do that is that you could end up seeing something that you probably shouldn't see.

Victoria was there, completely naked, she was brushing her beautiful hair with her brush, she had took a bath, but she hadn't dressed herself yet.  She had a nice violet's scent, a scent that Julia remembered very well.  Many memories of them came to her mind in an instant, like bats in a cave flying suddenly around her head.  Julia immediately averted her gaze.  That Victoria was a pretty woman and a clever one.  Julia cleared her throat.

"Dinner is ready.  I'm sorry, I should have knocked the door first, I didn't know you were naked, sorry.  Please put some clothes on, someone could see you..." Julia said.

"Who could see me, you?  We are the only ones here.  Don't be silly.  And there's nothing here that you haven't seen before; don't worry.  I'll be ready in a minute."

Julia returned to the pool, she felt so hot suddenly.  She decided to wear a comfortable swimsuit so she went to her house to change.  When she returned to the pool, there was Victoria, with her beautiful legs in the water.  She was wearing pink shorts and a white tank top without her bra.  Julia had to admit to herself that Victoria was like a vision, age was making her like a good wine; the older the better.  Julia blinked and shook her head.  All this was very stupid.  And why had to be so hot out there?

Victoria smiled when she saw Julia.

"Wow, you still look incredible in a swimsuit," Victoria said looking at Julia with hungry eyes.  Julia blushed.


"Do you go to the gym?"

"That's right."

"I envy you..."

"Why?  You still are in great shape."

"Oh, thanks.  Do you really think so?"

"Of course," Julia said giving Victoria a plate with food in it.  "Here."

"Thanks, and thanks for letting me stay here, Jul, it is really nice of you.  I'm sorry about what happened with your girlfriend, she is... cute by the way..."

"Apology accepted, let's eat now.  Bon appetite."

"Bon appetite, Jul.  Mmm...  Delicious!  You are a great cook."


"How old is your girlfriend?  She seems so... young."

There it was again, the age gap subject.

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