Chapter 21

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With her fork, Grace pinned a piece of pancake thinking about Julia, she missed her, she missed her so much that she felt miserable without her; she missed her nice voice, her sweet smile of perfect teeth, her contagious laugh, her intoxicating scent, her soft skin, her skin always felt so soft every time she kissed Grace on her cheek, it was like a baby's skin, Grace loved it; and her hair, it was so pleasant to just touch her hair, it was very relaxing; she missed her presence too, Grace always felt so safe with her; she loved talking to her and listening to her, just been with Julia was always so wonderful, even if they just held hands in silence without a word, that was really an amazing experience; she also missed her mystery gaze, how could someone had a mystery gaze? Well, Julia had one, when she looked at Grace it was really impossible to imagine what she was thinking about in that moment, it was a mystery. Just her smile and her gaze together was really a very interesting mystery, and it was so sexy too the way she smiled and looked at Grace. What possibly could be happening in that cute head of her? It didn't matter if she was dating her father, Grace still liked her. She just couldn't stop thinking all the time about her. Should she be angry with Julia? How could she be angry with her? It was impossible to be angry with Julia.

Grace was about to put that piece of pancake in her mouth when her little brother, George, appeared and told her that she had a phone call, someone was calling her. She put the fork on her plate with the piece of pancake and stood up from the chair.

"Do you know who is calling me?"

"I'm not sure, she didn't say her name, but her voice seemed familiar to me..." George said.

Grace widened her eyes and ran to the phone thinking about Julia. Her heart began to beat faster. Just to think about Julia left her breathless. Grace felt much better and stronger that morning after a good night of sleep and taking a warm shower. Grace was wearing that day a cute white dress without sleeves, which was very comfortable, and white sandals; her hair was loose. She looked very pretty. Her cheeks were rosy.

The happiness on her sweet face disappeared when she heard who was at the phone, it wasn't Julia, it was Abby.

"Oh, Abby. How are you today?"

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"I was eating my breakfast, dad made pancakes..."

"Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, Grace, I just wanted to ask you if we could meet today."

"Today? Well, I really don't have plans for today..."

"That's great! Could we meet in an hour?"

"In an hour?" she repeated thinking, she was still thinking a bit slow due to the sedative her father gave her, her fingers were playing with the phone cord. "Sure. Why not? I think that we could meet..." Grace gave her the address of the park in front of the bookshop where she worked.

"Okay, I'll see you there then in an hour, bye, Grace."

"Bye, Abby." Grace hoped that she could go and her father didn't make her stay at home. Why Julia didn't call her? She remembered then that her cell phone was charging in her room.

Grace sighed. Why she accepted Abby's invitation? Well, she had some things she would like to talk to Abby after all. There were some things that she couldn't talk to anyone else, just Abby, because Abby knew about Julia and her, well, obviously not all, but at least, she knew Julia, something that Nicole didn't. And in that moment she really needed a friend, someone she could trust, someone who could listen to her because she really needed to talk about Julia and her. This whole thing was driving her crazy and she thought that she really needed some good advice, and Abby seemed like an expert for that. And Grace also wanted to know about what Abby thought about Nicole of course.

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