Chapter 31

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"Well, what do you think? Do you like it?" Julia asked.

"It's very nice, it seems very comfortable, homelike... And I love the decoration, the balcony with the rocking chairs and the flowers in the pots, the hammock, and those beautiful french doors... Amazing. And it has a lot of space."

"Yes. The guest house was already here when I move in to the big house. I think it was for the housekeeper, I'm not sure... It needs some cleaning first before you can move in. And I'll put some food in the fridge for you too. Everything here works fine. So there's no need to fix anything. If you like it it's yours. You can move in as soon as I clean it for you."

"I think it could seem a bit odd to my father that suddenly I decide to move here with you. He thinks that we haven't seen each other since you went to have dinner with us. So we are strangers, at least, for him..." Grace said thinking.

"Yes, you are right. But probably after been in your party talking to you that doesn't seem so odd after all... Right?"

"Yes, right."

"And don't forget, you can not call me Jul in front of them or they will suspect..."

"I know, I know. May I tell Nicole about us? She is my best friend and she won't say a word... We could trust her. And Abby already knows about us..."

"Really? Well, okay. I'm very curious about this friend of yours... How is she? Is she pretty?" Jul asked.

"You'll meet her soon, don't worry. I think that you two will be good friends too, Nicole is very nice, a sweet and loving person. Let's go swim now, the last to arrive to the pool is a turtle," Grace said running to the pool. Julia followed her running too, they both jumped to the pool. Grace was wearing a pink T-shirt and blue shorts and Julia was wearing a white T-shirt with red shorts. "I won!"

"We both won," Jul said.

"Okay, okay, we both won then. I was wondering, when I'll meet your friends?" Grace asked.

"I don't have many friends, you already met my friend, Paolo, my grandmother, and my little sister, Amy, and my brother... He is older than me."

"Oh, I see... Well, I don't have many friends either. I guess we are both the same. I was thinking about something... What about children? Do you like kids? Would you like to have children someday?"

"Wow! I see you really have been thinking a lot... Yes, I would, of course. I guess, maybe two, a girl and a boy. What about you?"

"If they are adopted then is fine with me. If not, I think maternity is not for me."

Jul held the urge she felt to laugh with Grace's comment. Grace always made her laugh or smile, she was really unique, honest, and innocent, she loved all Grace's good qualities and her honest comments of course.

"So you don't want to get pregnant? Is that right?"

"Right. I think I'm afraid of that. I don't like to be in pain. And giving birth to a baby... Well, that doesn't seem like something for me... Sorry. But I would love to adopt."

Jul laughed.

"Okay. I understand, don't worry, I'll have them for you, you won't have to do anything," Jul said winking, Grace blushed. She imagined Julia pregnant, she would look amazing, very cute. "Do you have anymore questions for me?"

"Sure. Would you like to read one of my stories now and give me your honest opinion? It's a short story, a ghost story... It's already finished. Remember that I told you that I loved to write and that some day I'll show you one of my stories?"

"Yes, I remember. Sure, why not? Where is it?" Jul asked.

"It's in my bag, I'll go for it, wait here," Grace said coming out of the water. Her T-shirt was wet and it clung to her curvy body, Jul could see her breasts and her nipples clearly.

"You should use a towel," Jul said to her making a gest with her hand, when Grace looked at her chest she blushed.

"Oh!" Grace said embarrassed. Jul laughed.

"Would you like me to make a barbecue? I can make some cheeseburgers for us, for lunch, here by the pool," Jul said.

"Sure, great idea. I love cheeseburgers," Grace said. "I'll be right back and I'll help you."

"Okay. Bring a towel for me too, please, thanks. I think it's getting colder."

"Okay." Grace went to look for the towels and her story.

Julia's cell phone rang in that moment, she took it, she saw the screen on her cell phone, it was Roger. By a moment she thought about ignoring his call, but maybe that wasn't a good idea, he could appear there suddenly again like last time, so she decided to answer the call.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi. How are you? You didn't come today to the clinic. Are you sick? Are you alright?" Roger asked concerned.

"I took the day off, I needed to rest, sorry. I was feeling so tired... But don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow. I'm not sick, I'm fine, I'm just tired, that's all. Thanks for calling. I'm sorry if I worry you..."

"It's okay, I'm glad you are fine, I'm sorry to bother you..."

"It's okay, you aren't bothering me. You are just a concerned good friend, that's all. Thanks for calling. I appreciate it."

"Sure. If there's something I could do for you just let me know... "

"Thanks, Roger, I know, but I'm fine, really."

"Okay, well, have a nice day, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye." Jul ended the call. She thought about what Grace said about her father, that he never quitted, that he would never give up. What could she do? Suddenly, she had an idea, but she wanted to ask Grace first and see if Grace liked the idea. And Grace arrived just in time, like always.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? I have your towel here, and my story," Grace said.

"You were right," Jul said.

"Eh? Right? About what?" Grace asked.

"About your father, he just called me because I didn't go to work today... I have an idea to get rid of him, but I want to discuss it with you first."

"Okay. Tell me your idea."

"Do you think that if I had a boyfriend or if he thinks that I'm dating someone maybe then he would leave me alone?"

"Probably, why? Do you have a boyfriend or are you dating someone else besides me?"

"No, of course not, but I could find one. All I need is a good friend who make him believe that I have a boyfriend or that I at least have a romantic relationship with him, right? Make Roger believe that we are dating..."

"Who is this friend? Do I know him?"

"I was thinking of Paolo, he is gay, so I think he would be very willing to help us, he knows that I'm bisexual..."

"He is gay!?"

"Yes, he is. You already met him; and I trust him..."

"Okay, let's do that then. I don't understand, if you don't like my father and you never liked him, why you accepted his invitation to his house and have dinner with him and all his children? I don't get it..." Grace asked confused.

Julia blushed. This was probably a good time to tell Grace the truth, the whole truth.

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