Chapter 33

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Grace was looking at the sea, it had a beautiful color that evening, the waves' movement was beginning to make her feel a bit dizzy.  She heard footsteps behind her.  It was her brother, George.  He stood at her side, he put his arm around her shoulders.

"Are you alright?  Is there something bothering you?  You've been here thinking for a long time now, I think.  Something is definitely wrong...  It's your birthday, and you don't seem happy.  Tell me, what's the matter?" George asked concerned.

"I'm alright, George, really, nothing happens...  There are just so many things on my mind right now..." Grace said.

"So I was right then, there's something bothering you...  You can tell me anything, Grace, I'm your brother, and we have always been very close, more than you and Gabe."  George said.

"I know..."  Grace looked around by a moment to see if someone was hearing them.  "I...  I discovered recently something about me...  I would like to share it with you and Gabe, but I don't know how."

"I see.  Just grab the bull by the horns, it's what people usually say in situations like this...  And I never had the opportunity to say that to anyone, until now, and I always wanted to say it..." George said with a grin making Grace smile.  George always had a good sense of humor no matter the circumstances.

"Okay, okay.  I'm in love..." Grace said finally.

"Really?"  George said surprised.  "Because you always says that you don't have time for love, and that your studies are first, you are always so serious and so focused in your studies.  You don't seem to have many friends or to be dating anyone.  How this happened?" George asked.  "I thought that you would become a nun someday..."

Grace rolled up her eyes.

"Well, I met someone when I least expected and we both fell in love."

"Congratulations, that's a good news," George said hugging Grace.

"I know, but there's more..." Grace said careful.

"More?  Are you pregnant?" George asked.

"No, of course not.  You see, it's a woman, I fell in love with a woman.  I'm gay," Grace said waiting for George's response.

There was a silence by a moment, George was simply digesting all the information that Grace gave him.  He wasn't expecting that.

"Really?  Well, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, right?  If you are in love and you are happy, then that's all that really matters; and I'm very happy for you, Grace.  You are my sister, and I love you, no matter what," George said giving Grace a kiss on her head.

"Really?" Grace asked.

"Of course!  And I'm pretty sure that Gabe would tell you the same."

Grace smiled.

"When we are going to meet her?" George asked.

"Soon I hope.  She prefers to keep it a secret, for now..." Grace said.

"It's understandable.  Does dad knows?"

"No, he doesn't know and he shouldn't know, for now.  Please don't say anything to him, George.  I think he will not take this very well," Grace said worried.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't say a word.  Your secret is safe with me."


"You should be happy, it's your birthday, enjoy it.  Don't be sad, smile," George said trying to cheer her up.


"Does she knows it's your birthday?"

Grace nodded.

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