Chapter 48

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Angelina noticed that Grace wasn't moving, that she just stood there looking at that woman in the eye, and the woman was looking at Grace too, in an odd way.  Grace seemed pale.  As if she had seen a ghost.  What was happening?

Angelina took Grace's hand and made her react.

"Let's go, Grace.  Are you alright?" Angelina said, leading Grace inside the restaurant.  Grace blinked and followed Angelina in silence.

Julia and Victoria seemed to go out of the restaurant.  Angelina found a nice table for them.

"Let's seat here, Grace.  It's a good spot," Angelina said, and Grace sat down.  "Do you know that woman, Grace?"

"Eh?," Grace blinked.  "I'll be back in a moment, I need to go to the bathroom," Grace said standing up quickly.

"Okay.  Do you want me to go with you?" Angelina asked concerned.

"No, thanks, I think that's not necessary, I'm fine, really."

"Okay then, I'll wait for you here.  Do you want me to order our food?"

"Sure.  I'll eat a green salad and spaghettis, thanks," Grace said leaving.

"Okay," Angelina said looking at the menu.

Once in the bathroom Grace threw up all she had in her stomach.  Her nerves betrayed her.  Julia appeared in the bathroom when Grace was throwing up.  She immediately approached to Grace and she held Grace's hair and she gently stroked Grace's back while Grace threw up.

"What are you doing here, Julia?"  Grace asked when she finished throwing up.

"Probably the same you are doing here, I came to eat," Julia said.

"Very funny," Grace said wiping her mouth with a paper napkin she had in her purse.

"I wasn't trying to be funny," Julia said watching Grace.

"Did you follow me to the bathroom?"

"Well, yes, I did."

"Why?  Didn't you read my e-mail?  I don't want to see you...  And where's Victoria?" Grace said putting some water in her mouth.

"Are you alright?  I was worried for you, you didn't seem very well when you saw me.  I had to see you...  And I was right, you are not well.  You are pale and throwing up.  And don't worry about Victoria.  What's going on?"

"Nothing.  I'm alright.  You don't need to worry for me.  I'm not your girlfriend anymore.  We have nothing to talk about, we already said all that we had to say."

"Grace, aren't you going to forgive me?"

"I forgave you, Julia; but that doesn't mean that I'll be back with you."

"There's nothing going on between Victoria and I.  We are just friends..."

"Of course, yes, friends, tell that to Victoria.  That's why she kissed you in the mouth in front of me, because she's your friend..."

"She knows it.  I already told her.  If you don't believe me go ask her yourself..."

"I have nothing to say to that woman."

"Grace, sweety, you are not like this.  And who's that woman with you?"

"A friend, she is my neighbor, she is a good person, and she's been helping me a lot.  And that's none of your business anyway.  I better go now, she is waiting for me."

Julia stopped her, she took Grace's hand.

"Don't go, please, Grace, don't leave me.  Don't leave.  I really need you in my life, you mean so much to me...  Please, Grace..."

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