Chapter 29

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Princess bit the edge of Jul's pants and she pulled it.

"What is it now, Princess?" Jul said annoyed by the puppie's behavior.  She then looked at the clock in her living room.  "Oh, my...  Oh, no.  It's getting late, I have to go and I don't want to go..."

"I don't want you to go either," Grace complained.  I almost lost my virginity today... Grace thought a bit disappointed.  She sighed.  That would have to wait for some other time.

"I have to work, baby..." Jul said.

"I know, me too, later..."

"You seem...  You know...  Did you like what I did?" Jul asked.

Grace blushed and she gave her a shy grin.

"Do you have to ask?  Wasn't it obvious?  Well, in case that you still have your doubts, I loved it!  Really...  My body is on fire...  Why did you do it?  I mean...  You said that we were going to take things slowly..." Grace said.

"I know.  But then I kissed you and...  I think I just got carried away...  Sorry."

"It's okay, I'm not sorry for what we did, a bit nervous maybe, but not sorry.  I really want to be with you, if you know what I mean... " Grace said looking at her straight in the eye, very serious.  Jul gulped.  Jul suddenly thought about what happened with Victoria in the hotel and that if Grace knew about that, their relationship won't be the same.  That scared Julia, she didn't have a clean conscience.  Should she tell Grace the truth?

"Yes, I know what you mean...  I want to be with you too.  Are you sure?" Julia asked.  Grace nodded immediately.  "I must go to the hospital now, but what if we have dinner tonight here?  If you have time of course...  And be ready to spend the night here..." Julia said with a glow in her eyes.  Grace smiled.

"Okay," Grace whispered.

"Does that scare you?" Julia asked tenderly.

Grace shook her head.

"No, but my heart is beating very fast right now for just to think about it..." Grace said sincerely.  Julia smiled tenderly.

"That's to be expected...  It's normal...  We were all a bit nervous our first time...  Don't worry, I understand," Jul said tenderly winking an eye.  "You can stay here all you want, you don't have to go now, go for a walk with Princess or watch tv or use the pool, whatever you want...  Just don't swim naked today.  Okay?"

"Eh?  Why not?" Grace asked with curiousity.

"The guy who cut the grass is coming today while I'm in the hospital to cut the grass; his name is David, and don't worry, he is very nice, a bit older than you, maybe like your older brother, Gabe.  He lives on a farm nearby.  In case that you see him here today don't be scared, he is not a burglar, he is the gardener.  David is tall, with a muscular body, brown wavy hair and green eyes..."

"He sounds handsome and sexy..." Grace said kidding.

"He is," Jul said serious.


"But don't worry, he is not my type... " Jul said with a smile on her face.  Grace giggled.

"I'm not a jealous person, I think..." Grace said.

"I am," Jul said serious.


"Very jealous..."

"You don't have to worry about me," Grace said.

"I know, I know...  Well, I'll see you later, love, enjoy your day," Jul said giving Grace a quick kiss on her lips leaving Grace craving for more.  Jul took her purse, her keys, and her doctor's gown and left.  Grace stayed there looking at Jul go, thinking about that night.  What should she wear?  She was so excited and nervous.  Should she go to the mall and buy something cute to wear that night?  Maybe she should buy new underwear and maybe a new dress too.

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