Chapter 24

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Grace walked to the mall entrance.  The mall was crowded.  In her mind she was thinking about how to tell her friend Nicole that she was gay.  She felt that she had to tell her, it was important, after all, Nicole told her the truth about her.  Now it was her time.  She was a bit scared and she didn't know why.  Probably she wasn't ready to share her secret with her best friend even when she knew that Nicole would be very happy for her, even so, she was nervous.  Maybe Nicole felt in the same way when she told Grace that she was gay.  Would Nicole take her seriously?  Would she think that it was a joke?  How was the right way to tell to your best friend that you are gay?  Grace sighed.  She began to feel anxious.  Maybe she should tell Nicole another day.  Many thoughts spun in her head until she began to feel dizzy.

In the entrance, inside the mall, there were some benches around a small place with artificial trees and people used to sit there to rest or to wait for someone.  Grace decided to sit there.  She sat down near an old lady eating a delicious chocolate ice cream cone.  She would buy one for her when Nicole arrived to the mall.  The old lady kindly smiled to Grace and she kept eating her ice cream, Grace smiled too and sighed again.

Soon she saw Nicole walking to her smiling and waving her hand.  For some reason she felt more relaxed after seeing Nicole.

"Victoria, weren't you living in Canada?  What are you doing here?" that was all that Julia could say after her sudden encounter with Victoria.  She was obviously pretty disturbed.  She was speechless, she wasn't expecting to see her after all those years.

Victoria sat down in the chair in front of Julia and she made a signal with her hand to call the waitress.  She was so excited by her encounter with Jul.

"I live in Canada, I'm just making a short trip, related to my job, to take some conferences in the hotel across the street, I'm staying there while I'm here.  I'm free this afternoon so I came here just to stretch my legs and drink a cup of coffee.  I wanted to see the town and the little shops around.  What about you?  Do you live here now?"

"No, no.  I came here looking for someone.  Someone that my grandmother knew long time ago when she was young.  I'm doing all this for her.  And I'm also staying, while I'm here, at the same hotel that you are staying," Julia said taking a sip of her drink.  "I came here to eat something."

"Your grandmother?  I remember her.  How is she?"

"She is fine, thanks."

The waitress arrived and Victoria ordered a cappuccino for her.  The waitress took the order and left.

Victoria then noticed the necklace that Julia was wearing, it was the same necklace that she had given Julia long time ago as a gift.  She was surprised that Julia still wore it, she felt happy to see her wearing it.  Some good memories of them when they were a happy couple came to her mind.  They were so in love, they really loved each other.  It was so sad that they had to separate.

Victoria stretched her arm and with her fingers she gently touched the necklace, caressing at the same time on purpose, Julia's soft skin under the necklace.  Julia blushed.  Victoria made Julia a bit nervous.  Victoria smiled mischievously, delighted to see the effect that she still had on Julia.

"You still have it..." Victoria said with longing.  "Why are you still wearing it?  After all these years..."

Julia blushed again.  She just shrugged.

"You are so quiet today...  Tell me, how are you?  Where are you working now?  Where do you live?  Tell me a little about you, we haven't seen each other in years...  Are you with someone right now?" Victoria said with a sultry voice, arching an eyebrow and looking at Julia straight in the eye, like trying to penetrate in Julia's mind and discover all her hidden secrets.

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