Chapter 22

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For a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, Grace heard the awkward silence between Julia and her, a silence that said so much.  Was Julia angry?  Was Julia just umcomfortable?  Was her sweet and sexy Jul just jealous of Abby?  Or maybe was just a sweet mix of the three?  Who knew?  Grace frowned and thought that probably it would have been better to keep her big and honest mouth shut and simply not mention Abby at all.  After all, Grace already knew what Julia thought about Abby.  Why she had to be always so honest with Julia?  Now it seemed as if Grace was in trouble.  But Grace haven't done anything wrong or bad, right?  It was just...  What was it?  

Focus Grace!

"Jul?  Jul, are you there?"

"Yes, I'm still here."  Jul sounded cold, serious or maybe upset.  The thing was that Jul sounded different.  Grace's heart skipped a beat.  Grace gulped, she got pale suddenly.

"You were so quiet..." Grace said cautiously.

"I was just thinking, Grace.  I believe that I warned you about to not be friend with people that you just met in that place.  Right?  Didn't I?  And what is the first thing you do?  You go out, again, with that... girl, Abby."

Julia sounded like she was trying to control her anger.  Grace got really scared.  If Grace had first the doubt if Jul was upset, now she didn't have any doubts, Jul was definitely upset and scolding her and Grace didn't like how it sounded.

"Yes, you did.  You warned me about my friendship with Abby.  But, you see, Abby is a good girl, I don't think she is a serial killer or someone dangerous.  She is a very nice person.  You don't need to worry.  And she doesn't even know where I live or who I really am...  I've been extra careful, you don't need to worry about me, okay?  I know how to take care of myself..."

"I know that you are a smart woman, Grace.  Someone with a good heart.  That's why I worry for you so much sometimes.  You are a good person and you think that everybody is like you, but that is not the case.  I want you to know that I trust you.  And if you say that she is a good girl and just a good friend, then is okay.  I hope you are right, and I hope you have fun today with Abby.  And try to be relaxed, I don't want your father to sedate you again, okay?  Take care, sweety," Julia said, sounding more relaxed this time and concerned about Grace's well-being.

"I'll do that, don't worry.  I hope you have a good day, and find what you are looking for."

"Thanks.  I hope that too, I'll call you again and I'll let you know, okay?  And please don't forget about feeding Princess."

"Okay.  I won't.  There are some things that I would like to talk to you about when you have time."

"I have time now.  You can tell me.  What is it, sweety?"

Grace took the opportunity to tell Julia everything in details, she wanted Julia to know all what happened; she began with her appointment with her psychiatrist; and Julia was a bit worried because Grace talked with her doctor about Julia.  But Grace assured Julia that she didn't mention her name, her doctor didn't know who was this mysterious woman that Grace was dating.  Even so, Julia was worried.  She also told Julia about Abby's invitation to the zoo because Abby wanted to meet Grace's friends.  Grace could feel the tension when she told Jul.  Then she talked about when she got home from the zoo and how she felt with the news that her father had a date with Julia.  In a way, Grace wanted Julia to feel guilty, Julia shouldn't have go out on a date with her father, that wasn't right according to Grace.  She also told Julia all that her father said, she wanted to know if it was true.  Julia of course told Grace her version of the story.  Grace wasn't sure if she should believe Julia.  Julia didn't seem very sincere sometimes, that was why Grace sometimes felt so insecure about Julia's feelings for her.

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