Chapter 15

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That night, they slept together in the same room, and in the same bed; very close to each other.  A hesitant Grace slowly put her head over the pillow, looking at the window in the bedroom, the curtains were open.  A thin thread of moonlight passed through the glass giving some light to the bedroom in darkness.  Grace was a bit nervous by Julia's closeness, her heart was beating so fast that Grace thought that she would have a heart attack.  Of course, a heart attack wouldn't be a problem with such a great doctor like Julia White at her side.

Grace felt Julia's arm wrap her in a tender hug; Grace's back rested over Julia's soft bosom, she could feel the warmth of Julia's body, her heartbeats, and her sweet scent, it was like a mix of coconut and pineapple, very pleasant.  Grace was a bit tense and Julia could feel it, but Julia didn't know if it was because Julia's closeness was affecting Grace or because Grace was still scared for the nightmare.  Anyway, Julia tried to calm her down; Julia softly kissed Grace's head and she caressed Grace's arm gently to make Grace feel better.

"You know, Grace?  You are safe here with me, everything is okay now, it was just a nightmare, don't be afraid.  I'm here with you."

"Thanks, Julia.  I don't want you to think that I'm childish and immature..."

"Shhh, I don't think that, sweety.  Don't worry, we all have our nightmares sometimes, and we all cry sometimes too, that's not childish or immature, that's just human.  Try to sleep now, okay?"

Grace nodded, she felt safe and loved in Julia's arms.  When Julia called her sweety with such tenderness and love, Grace's heart melt completely.  Julia was so sweet, Grace was very thankful for that.

Grace, for some reason, remembered her mother, the way her mother treated her when she had a nightmare; Grace really missed her mother a lot.  Grace missed her mother's presence, she had her father of course, but it wasn't the same, she needed her mother.

"You know?  When I have a nightmare sometimes, I go to my father's room to sleep with him, I don't like to sleep alone when I have a nightmare, my mother used to sleep with me when I had a nightmare and I was afraid.  I miss my mother so much...  Nothing is the same without her, everything was better when she was with us.  I'm glad that you are with me now, Julia, thanks."

"You already said thanks, sweety.  And I'm glad I could help.  I think all the mothers are the same with their children, my mother used to stay with me for a while when I was little and I had a nightmare, she stayed with me until I fell asleep again.  Mothers are like that, I guess."

Grace smiled.

"Yes, I think so, mothers are like that.  You know what?  I think you have the heart of a mother..."

The heart of a mother?

Julia wasn't very sure that she liked the direction that their conversation was taking.  The heart of a mother!  What was that supposed to mean?

"Would you like me to sing a song for you?  Maybe that will help you to sleep," Julia said trying to change the subject.

"Oh, okay, good idea.  I think I would like that.  I didn't know that you could sing."

"There are many things that you don't know about me, dear; but don't worry, with the time you'll get to know me, maybe better than anyone."

Julia began to sing a song she learned with her grandmother when she was little.  Julia's voice was very pleasant, it helped Grace to relax and soon Grace fell asleep in Julia's arms.

Grace could feel Julia's lips on her neck, softly kissing her neck, Grace opened her eyes surprised; she giggled.  Julia smiled mischievously, but she didn't stop kissing Grace's neck.  Grace could feel Julia's tongue softly licking her neck, this sent a chill through all her body and a pleasant sensation between her legs; her heart accelerated and her womb was in flames.  Grace moaned arching her back.  Julia's tongue felt wet and warm, it was so pleasant.  Grace imagined that tongue licking all her body and just that thought made her a bit dizzy.

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