Chapter 46

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Grace parked her car in her new home.  She was finally there.  Grace took a deep breath.  Oh, that scent of nature, the roses, the trees...  The scent of her new garden.  And what a wonderful view!

The dinner with her family was like other dinners, they talked and ate.  The chicken wasn't so bad for being the first time she made that recipe. They all loved the chicken and the dessert.

They all had already got used to the idea that she would move out of the house and no longer would be living there with them.  Grace would visit them on Sundays and other days of course.  They were still a family.  They would certainly miss Grace and her wonderful meals.  No one in the house cooked like Grace, no one, and that was a fact.

Her father was a bit sad, and he was also worried for her.  Three men alone in that big house without Grace, her absence would be felt.  What would they do without Grace?


Miss Molly appeared suddenly, that woman was like a ghost, now you see her and now you don't; she was wearing faded short jeans, a light blue thank top, and brown cowboy boots, she looked cute.  She had a friendly smile on her pretty face.

"Hi, Grace.  Welcome.  Do you need any help?" Molly said.

"Hi, Miss Molly..."

"Just call me Molly, dear, and I'll call you Grace, okay?"

"Okay.  I have some boxes, but they are not heavy..."

"I'll give you a hand, don't worry."

"Thanks.  I don't have much, I travel light..."

"There's nothing wrong with that.  Let me tell you something, Grace, when I inherited this property from a relative, I didn't have much, yes, that's right, I was like you.  I was so surprised, I thought I was lucky, and then I realized that this place was too much for just one person, it was too big for me, so I turned it into a guests house.  That way I would have others to share my lovely home with.  And I'm very thankful for that.  I've made some good friends, and I've met very interesting people..."

"I see, that sounds... nice, interesting..."

"Yes, it is...  I'm always on the first floor if you need anything.  And with the time you will meet the others...  I can assure you that they all are very friendly.  You have nothing to worry, dear.  We all are like a big happy family here.  You'll see...  Well, I'll let you now to unpack your things..."

"Thanks, Molly."

"You're welcome, dear," Molly said winking, closing Grace's door.  Grace sighed.

She went to the window and opened the curtains.  She had a great view.  Grace was on the last floor.  Soon it would be dark.  She sat down on her new bed and took a good look around.  It was a nice bedroom, a bit fancy.  Her father thought she was moving to Julia's guest house; Grace would tell him the truth later, much later.  She didn't know exactly when.  But her brothers knew were she was, of course, just in case they needed her.  Would her father be mad at her for that?  Probably.

Grace stood up and decided to start unpacking her things.  She thought that she would be very happy there, away from her father, freedom at last.

She would save all her books first, there was a furniture there for her books, very convenient.  Grace was a student so she had many books.  And she also loved to read.  She had a desk there where she could study and write her stories.  Then she saved her clothes and her shoes in the closet.

Grace had bought some yarn to knit some things for the next winter, so she sat down on an armchair with her needles and her yarn and began to knit.  Like an hour later Grace heard a violin playing a melody, she stopped knitting and stood up.  Grace opened her door following the music, another door was open, and there was a young woman, playing a violin.

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