Chapter 45

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"There's a rumor that you are leaving us.  Is that true?" Roger asked Julia.

"Well, I...  I'm looking for a new job in other place.  I think a change will be good for me."

"Oh, I see.  I'm sorry.  We all are certainly going to miss you," Roger said a bit sad.  "Grace is moving out of the house, and now this..."

Julia felt a bit confused by a moment.  Grace was moving out of the house?  But Grace was angry with her, they had a fight, she wasn't even talking to Julia.  How was this possible?  They hadn't seeing each other.  Julia doubted it that Grace would want to move out of her house after that to go to live with her.  What was going on there?

"Well, don't worry, I haven't got the job, yet," Julia said.

"You are a great doctor, of course you will get it.  And if you need anything just let me know."

"Thanks, Roger."

"You're welcome.  That's what friends are for, right?"

"Yes, you've always been a very good friend..."

She went to check a patient.  She still had Victoria in her house, maybe she should take a few days off to be with her.  That would be very considerated of her.  She was in the house alone.  Victoria probably was very bored.

Victoria took her vacation to be for a few days with Julia, but Julia was very busy as usual, her work was always first.  It was good that Victoria didn't complain.  But Julia was beginning to feel a bit guilty.  She was feeling sorry for Victoria.  Should she feel in that way for her or this was just a terrible mistake?

Victoria probably didn't deserve her pity after abandoning Julia.  Grace abandoned her too.  What was wrong with her that everybody abandoned her?  Was she that bad?

Should she call Grace and see if she forgave her already?  Grace hadn't sent the e-mail yet, so Julia didn't know that Grace wasn't going to return to her even when she forgive Julia.


Grace wasn't sure about how to explain her change of mind to everybody, how to tell them that she would live now in Miss Molly's Manor instead of Julia's guest house.  They will definitely ask questions.  What to say?  How to explain it?  That won't be easy.  Her mind was working on it.  But first she had to send Julia that e-mail.

When the job was done.  Grace went to the kitchen to make a special dinner, the last dinner with her family, she would move immediately that day after dinner.  She had to cook something very special for her family.  What could she cook?

"What are you doing, Grace?" George asked.

"I'm making dinner," Grace said.

"May I help you?"


"What are we going to eat?"

"Orange chicken, all's favorite."

"Cool...  I didn't know you could make that..."

"Neither do I.  I just saw a video on Internet that shows how to do it.  It doesn't seem to be so complicated, and I think I have all the ingredients here at home so it should be very easy..."

"I see...  And what are we celebrating?  What's the special occasion?"

"I'm moving out of the house today.  That's the special occasion," Grace said.  George seemed sad.  "But don't worry, George, you could visit me any time you want, and I'll visit too."

"But it won't be the same.  I'm going to miss you..."

"I know, I'm going to miss you too, George.  Let's not be sad, and let's cook this chicken together."

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