Chapter 13

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The cold water of the swimming pool covered now their bodies.  Grace was a bit nervous, but looking at Julia calmed her.  She felt safe when she was with her.  Grace felt very comfortable with Julia.  She had the feeling that what she was feeling for Julia was much more than just admiration, that scared Grace.  What if she loved Julia and this was just an unrequited love?  That would certainly hurt.  It would be so sad.  Would Julia play with her feelings?  Was she that kind of woman?  Grace didn't know.  Grace wasn't sure about what Julia really felt for her so it was better if she was careful.  Maybe she just wanted to have a good time with Grace, but she didn't want anything serious with Grace.  Julia was a doctor while Grace was just a young college student who wasn't really sure about what she would like to do with her life.  Maybe Julia saw her as childish and immature.  Grace couldn't blame Julia if she didn't want to have anything serious with her.  As Julia said, Grace was still young, very young, she would have time to discover more about herself and decide what she really wanted and what she really liked, but for now all Grace knew was that she liked Julia and she was quickly falling in love with her.  For Grace that kiss meant so much, but would it mean something for Julia or Grace was just another woman she kissed?  Another lucky woman in Julia's expert hands, someone to add to the long list.  Julia was gorgeous so Grace didn't doubt that the list was really long.  How many women had Julia kissed?  That really didn't matter to Grace, what really mattered now was that Grace was the last one in that list and from now on the only one.

Grace looked at their hands still together, yes, she was lucky, she felt so lucky, Julia was a wonderful woman and Grace felt very happy just by being at her side; and if she was lucky enough maybe Julia liked her too, and that was something really wonderful to Grace of course.  Grace smiled sweetly looking at Julia.

"Do you feel better?" Julia asked.  Grace nodded.  "I'm glad.  I want you to be happy and comfortable, and enjoy being here in the pool with me of course.  Swimming is very relaxing, and I think that's just what you need, you seem a bit tense sometimes.  The water is good for the stress."

"I know, my brother George thinks the same."

"Well, your brother is right, he is a smart guy.  He seems to be the shy one in the family..."

"Just give him some time, he really likes you, you know?  He told me, and Gabe too."

"I'm happy to hear that, but what about you?  Do you really likes me?"

Grace blushed.  Does she really needed to ask that?  Didn't she know?

"I kissed you a moment ago, and I also told you about how I really feel about you.  Do you still have doubts?" Grace said with sadness.

"I think that we should give this some time to see if you really feel in the same way tomorrow, tomorrow you might see things in a different way," Julia said calmed.  She didn't want to be very excited about something that maybe could just disappear by the next day.  She knew very well how young women were.

"I understand what you mean, and I think you are right.  All this is so new to me...  I've felt confused sometimes about myself, but never about how I feel about you, I know very well how I feel about you and I think that's not going to change," Grace said looking straight into her eyes, very secure about what she was saying.  Julia gulped, she just stayed there looking at Grace in silence.  Maybe bringing Grace into her home so soon wasn't a very good idea, but she at least must try to give themselves a chance, she really liked Grace, maybe Grace would surprise her.  Who knew?  Grace was young and inexperienced, but she seemed to be also so passionate, enthusiastic and impulsive; a very good combination.  Julia loved all that from Grace.

"Well, if what you say is true, Grace, then we should try to know each other better, spend some time together and see how things work out between us, okay?" she said winking an eye, Grace's heart skipped a beat, Grace felt really excited and hopeful.  "We'll try to be friends first and see what happens, okay?  And then we'll go on from there."

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