Chapter 23

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"Well, thanks for listening to me, Abby.  I think I'll take your advice.  I have to go now, I have some things to do today," Grace said grabbing her purse.

"Maybe I could help you.  May I go with you?" Abby said.

"No, thanks.  I must do this alone, thanks anyway, Abby.  I'll see you, bye," Grace said standing up and giving Abby a good-bye kiss on her cheek.  Abby stood up too.

"Okay, call me any time if you need me.  And thanks for inviting me to your birthday party.  What would you like as a birthday gift?  Any idea?" Abby asked arching an eyebrow.

"I don't know.  You really don't need to give me a gift..."

"I will think about something very special and cute for you, don't worry.  Bye, Grace," Abby said smiling.  She was very happy because Grace invited her to her birthday party, and Grace was finally opening up to her and trusting her as a friend, that was something very good, Abby felt really great.

Grace decided to take a cab to Julia's house.  Once there she found Princess and played a little with her, then she fed Princess with puppy food; she also gave her water, and then she brushed Princess' hair.  Grace also took Princess for a walk around the property, the property was large, there was plenty of space to walk around and run and have a great time with the puppy.  Both were very happy.

Then they returned to the house.  Princess went to rest to her little bed in a corner in the kitchen, she seemed a bit tired.  Grace went to the fridge for something cold to drink.  While she was there in that empty kitchen, in that silence, memories came to her mind suddenly about Julia and her in that kitchen.  All those memories in her head were like many butterflies flying in stampede to a beautiful flower, totally covering it.  Her mind was totally covered with Julia's memories.  Oh, Julia, she really missed her.  Grace almost could see Julia there standing near the sink with the dirty dishes in hand and that yellow blouse of hers that showed a bit of Julia's belly, Grace loved that blouse, it looked really great on Julia; Grace's heart speeded just to think about her Jul.

She decided to call Julia.  Grace took her cell phone and dialed Jul's number.  She waited for Jul to answer her cell phone, while she waited her heart speeded even more, she could feel it in her throat pounding hard.  Grace gulped.  She smiled watching Princess sleep peacefully, suddenly she heard Julia's voice on the phone.  Grace bit her lower lip.

"Hi.  I'm in your house right now.  I already fed Princess, she is sleeping like a peacefully puppy.  I took her for a walk and she played in the yard a lot, I think she is tired.  I also brushed her hair and gave her water...  I just wanted you to know.  She is fine," Grace said a bit nervous.  She hoped that she wasn't interrupting something important.

Julia smiled.

"I see.  I'm glad to hear that.  And how are you?"

"I'm fine too.  I took one of your juices from the fridge, I was a bit thirsty.  Everything is fine here, and clean.  I'm almost ready to return to my home."

"You can stay as long as you want, you know you are always welcome, and you can eat and drink whatever you want, you know I don't mind.  And you can use the appliances too, you can watch tv or listen to music... really, I don't mind.  You can use the pool... make yourself at home, okay?"

"Okay, thanks.  How's everything there?"

"Everything is fine, sweety.  I'm fine too.  Don't worry.  I'll be visiting a house this afternoon to see who I can find there.  How was your day with Abby?"

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